What was the Newburgh conspiracy and why is it important? What will b

What was the Newburgh conspiracy and why is it important?

What will be an ideal response?


The ideal answer should include:
1. In late 1782, more than 10,000 American troops and 500 officers were encamped at Newburgh.
2. They were eager to return home, but did not want to do so without receiving overdue pay and without assurances about promised future payments.
3. In December 1782 disgruntled officers sent a delegation to Philadelphia to press their claims.
4. Congressional allies, with an agenda of their own, encouraged the military dissidents in Newburgh.
5. In March 1783, inflammatory petitions circulated among officers at Newburgh, hinting at a military takeover.
6. George Washington attended a meeting of the officers, using the occasion to dissuade them from taking aggressive action.
7. Congress then reached a compromise with the officers.
8. The Newburgh conspiracy demonstrated both the fragility of the new nation and the universal esteem in which Washington was held.

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