What is the age (you should use a range) of the following units or features on the diagram


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Unit Description
A Granite – 325 Ma
B Gneiss
C Shale – deep red color; mammal
tracks; leaf fossils
D Basalt – contains vesicles, does
not contain pillows
E Sandstone – well-rounded,
well-sorted, frosted grains; large
cross-beds, macroscopic fossils not observed
F Gabbro – 235 Ma
G Gabbro – 70 Ma
H Sandstone – well-rounded,
well-sorted; broken shells of
marine organisms
I Shale – well-sorted,
well-rounded; unbroken shells of marine
J Limestone – bedded; moderately
laterally continuous in all
K Conglomerate – well-rounded
L Basalt – contains pillows
M Shale – contains fresh-water fish
N Sediment – very poorly sorted,
angular clasts
and X are faults

What is the age (you should use a range) of the following units or features on
the diagram? Give ages in Ma (millions of years)

a. Unit H

b. Unit B

c. Unit M

d. Unit D

e. Fault X

f. Fault Y

Which type of stress (tension, compression or shear) caused the deformation of

a. Fault X ___________________

b. Fault Y ___________________

What type of unconformities (nonconformity, angular unconformity,
disconformity) are found in the diagram?

There is a(n) Nonconformity
between units B and C

There is a(n) Angular
unconformity between units A and E

There is a(n) Angular
unconformity between units H and M

There is a(n)
___________________________ between units _______ and ________

Is rock unit J more similar in depositional environment to the Mississippian
Redwall Limestone in the Grand Canyon or the Permian Reef Complex in the
Guadalupe Mountains? Explain your reasoning.

Describe the formation of sediment N and the evidence for your interpretation.

6. If gabbro F and gabbro G were intruded at
the same temperature and the same depth, which would have larger crystals?
Explain your reasoning.




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