What country was the world’s largest producer of cane sugar


1. _______ laws required married women to transfer their property to their husbands.2. In the case of _______, the Supreme Court established the principle of judicial review, which meantthat the Supreme Court had the authority to judge the constitutionality of congressional laws andexecutive actions.3. As the most significant achievement in canal construction of the 1820s and 1830s, the 363-mile-long_______ linked New York City to the Old Northwest.4. By 1840, the city of _______ had grown to become the third-largest industrial center in the UnitedStates, with a population of 40,382 and a variety of industries in a variety of stages of development.5. What country was the world’s largest producer of cane sugar by 1840?6. Nat Turner led the most famous slave revolt, which took place in 1831 in _______ County, Virginia.7. As a leader in the Tennessee militia, Andrew Jackson gained the nickname “Old _______.”8. Published by William Lloyd Garrison beginning on January 1, 1831, _______ became the leadingantislavery journal in the United States.1. The course textbook refers to the early United States as “a nation of regions” (248) and notes fourdistinct geographical areas that constituted significant parts of the early republic. The textbook thengoes on to discuss how early leaders sought to accomplish the task of “knitting the nation together”(271). Describe each of the four distinct geographical areas from the early nation that the textbookemphasizes, indicating the major characteristics of each region. Then, specifically describe how theseregions differed. Clearly and specifically distinguish what was occurring in each region from what wasoccurring in the other three regions. Finally, indicate two particular paths for knitting these regionstogether that were expressed during the country’s early years. For each path, be specific on what thepath entailed and on how the path would account for the differences among the different regions.2. The course textbook states that “during the years 1790-1830, the federal government establishedpolicies that would govern Indian-white relations through much of the nineteenth century. Intended inpart to promote the eventual assimilation of Native Americans into white society, they actually speededthe transfer of Indian land to white and helped set the stage for later, large-scale Indian removal” (254255). Discuss two distinct specific actions that the U.S. government took during this time period,explaining how each of these actions both promoted assimilation of Native Americans into white societyand sped up the transfer of Native American land to white control. Then, describe one instance fromthis time period in which Native Americans took an approach of accommodating white U.S. interests andone instance from this time period in which Native Americans took an approach of resistance to whiteU.S. interests. Finally, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches. Note oneclear advantage and one clear disadvantage of an approach of accommodation and note one clearadvantage and one clear disadvantage of an approach of resistance.3. The period between 1790 and 1850 witnessed numerous and various efforts to reform U.S. society.Identify four distinct reform movements that occurred in the United States during this time period andthat have at least two similarities in their ideals and/or objectives. Explain these two similarities andexplain how each of the four movements demonstrates each of the similarities. Then, for each of themovements, indicate one specific way in which that movement differs from the other three.4. Chapter 9 of the course textbook discusses how the opening two decades of the 1800s witnessed anend to neo-colonialism on the part of the United States. Chapter 12 of the course textbook then detailsa new style of politics that developed during the changing political culture of the 1820s and 1830s. First,explain how U.S. foreign and domestic policy between 1800 and 1820 reflected a lessening of neocolonial interests. Be specific in pointing to actions that U.S. took or did not take that demonstrate thislessening of neo-colonial interests. Then, describe the major characteristics of the new political cultureof the 1820s and 1830s. Clearly indicate three distinct particular characteristics of the new politicalculture of the 1820s and 1830s. Finally, describe two distinct ways in which the lessening of neocolonialism between 1800 and 1820 may have helped produce the new political culture of the 1820s and1830s. Be sure for each example to explain clearly how the lessening of neo-colonialism between 1800and 1820 may have helped produce the new political culture of the 1820s and 1830s along the lines thatyou have indicated.5. The course textbook notes that significant economic growth occurred in the United States between1820 and 1860. Describe three distinct aspects of U.S. society that reflected that growth. Then, explaintwo distinct national or international developments from the time period that helped produce thatgrowth. Be clear in explaining how each of the developments helped to produce the United States’economic growth. Finally, indicate two distinct beneficial outcomes of that growth and two distincttroublesome outcomes of that growth.6. Chapter 11 of the course textbook provides a detailed account of the interworking elements of thesystem of slavery within the Old South, including descriptions of kinds of lives lived by various groupswho inhabited the region. Describe the interrelationships among slaves, slave owners, and Southernwhites who did not own slaves. Compare and contrast the lives of each group with the lives of the othertwo. Then, provide three distinct reasons that slave owners used to justify the slavery system. Be sureto explain each reason clearly to distinguish it effectively from the other two. Finally, indicate twodistinct ways in which slaves resisted slavery within their everyday lives.




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