Answer the following questions concerning the role of assessment of public health:1. Define public/community health. How does this differ from personal health?2. What are the benefits of public health assessments? What are the disadvantages, if any?Give an example of a potential conflict within the community that could arise as a result of publichealth assessments. How can public health advocates and policy makers prevent and/ormanage such a conflict?3. How can public health assessments be used to form public policy?4. Choose one health concern and cite legislation that has been passed to address thisconcern. Discuss how this legislation has affected or could affect your community.You may choose one of the following or one of your own choosing:● Smoking in public places● Accessibility for physically handicapped populations● Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes● Youth violence● Domestic violence● Child abuse● Elder abuse.Be sure to list your sources of information at the end of your assignment. You should have at least three academic sources.
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