Unit VII Case Study


Unit VII Case Study
Write a two- to three-page analysis using the
Case Study on pages 325-327 of your textbook, “Expatriate Management at
Your analysis should address the following questions:
1. Critically analyze AstraZeneca’s expatriate
management practices.
2. According to the 2007 Expatriate Work/Life
Balance Survey, 65% of expats report feeling the strain of managing the demands
of work and home, leading to more anxieties at home and at the workplace. What
steps can an organization take to mitigate this?
3. What decisions related to expatriates could
organizations take to maximize the benefits to the company despite ongoing
economic recessions? Do you think a company that paid more careful attention to
selection could further boost their chances of success?
Your case study analysis should follow APA
guidelines for formatting of all resources, include a title page and a separate
reference page.




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