Two waves, travelling in the same direction through the same region, have equal frequencies, wavelengths and amplitudes. If the amplitude of each wave is 4 mm and the phase difference between the waves is 90, what is the resultant amplitude?
Sol. Phase difference = p/2 f and ? are same. So, ? is same. Y base 1 = r sin wt, y base 2 = rsin(wt + p/2) From the principle of superposition y = y base 1 + y base 2 ? = r sin wt + r sin (wt + p/2) = r[sin wt + sin(wt +¦
/2)] = r[2sin(wt + wt + p /2)/2 cos (wt wt p/2)/2] ? y = 2r sin (wt + p /4) cos (p/4) Resultant amplitude = v2 r = 4 v2 mm (because r = 4 mm)
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