there will always be differences against one another and the


Running Head: MILITARY ETHICS1Military EthicsNongkhane SysaathPHI 208: Ethics and Moral ReasoningInstructor: Timothy NultyAugust 10, 2015MILITARY ETHICS2Military EthicsAs a human condition, there will always be differences against one another and theultimate price of it can result in war. War activities have become important because citizens haveto fund it. For the United States, it aims to delineate tension with the opposing nation. Thegreatest good for everyone and everything affiliated with the United States affords its civiliansfreedom. A soldier is bound to his military code of ethics, and professionally acts on the bestinterest for the nation. The Utilitarianism theory is applied in this paper, as the ultimate goal is toprotect everyone and deter suffrage on the fore front, much like the “Greatest HappinessPrinciple”. Utilitarian would reject choices that become a sense of duty and of self-interest.The Utilitarian approach is a moral principle that is aimed towards actions that producesthe greatest benefit to society as a whole. With the notion “that the only kind of result that isgood in itself is happiness” (Haines, n.d.) and at the very cost of minimal suffrage as well. It alsoaims to reject traditional views that are held by moral systems, instructional commands fromleadership personnel, and beings that were deemed mystical (Nathanson, n.d.). Bentham andMills were the forefront leaders who exercised this philosophical methodology best, as it helpedlegislators during their existence to decide which laws were most applicable and deemed toproduce communal structure. A Utilitarian also proceeds with the belief that there is a rational forthe decisions being made, and that people are held to these moral obligations whether they agreeto it or not. This approach can now be applied to the military war ethics and the usage of drones.Although war is critical to defend a nation, it was most visible when the United Stateswas under attacked during 9/11. For example, the United States sent its military forces overseasin defense to the incidents. Soldiers were deployed and obligated to fulfill their duties. A soldierMILITARY ETHICS3would sacrifice himself in the defense of his country, by practicing the “Greatest HappinessPrinciple” that clearly aims towards maximizing pleasure and reducing pain. The reciprocal cycleof this theoretical moral framework is very plausible as it created from its citizens. As a result,soldiers are able to uphold their moral behaviors in the warfront that they made a social impact.Citizens are able to conceptualize that their sense of safety by “mental pleasures [that] are betterthan bodily ones they have mainly based this on mental pleasures being more permanent, safer,less costly and so on—i.e. from their circumstantial advantages rather than from their intrinsicnature” (Mills, 2008). As a form of Utilitarianism, many also believe that the United StatesArmed Forces should use drones during war. There is little to no risk of loss to the operatorbecause the operator controls it from a panel and is not exposed to the hostile environment.On the contrary, even though the greatest result produces a desirable effect on themajority there will be consequences. The United States government, Central Intelligence Agencyand the entities affiliated with national security failed to deter the heinous act on 9/11. Thegovernment failed to execute the precautionary standards, which impacted us citizens as the levelof transparency was non-existent as well. How the United States and its affiliates appliedUtilitarianism was by covering it up through covert operations, superseding over personnel whohad confidential information, and etc. Another prime example is the usage of drones. It was ableto find military targets, which allowed the United States Armed Forces to violate nationalterritory alliance and execute. Although irrational decisions were made by our governmentsystem, it acted in the best interest of protecting our nation from deterring terroristic acts.To conclude, war will always create tension due to intolerant of differences andunyielding viewpoints. It becomes atrocious when the actions violates human rights andsupersedes to eliminate others. The Utilitarian theorist has an objective that aims towardsMILITARY ETHICS4creating an outcome that benefits the majority, even at the expense of a negative consequencebecause the end result becomes warranted as a greater advantage. A soldier fulfills his obligationthrough service to his country, and makes the ultimate sacrifice that would even cost his life.Drones are another choice of weapons that can be employed as war tactics to offset humanlosses. The 9/11 attacks resulted the United States to reform new strategies for homelandsecurity, thus acted on the best interest of the nation even in the executive decisions of invadingAfghanistan. Although wars are uneventful, having a just war only becomes warranted whenboth parties can make agreements and come together to embrace international relationships.Unfortunately, just wars are not as relevant given the circumstances when there are manyconflicting interests that are irreconcilable.MILITARY ETHICS5ReferencesHaines, W. (n.d.). Consequentialism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from, J. S. (2008). Utilitarianism. In J. Bennett (Ed. & Rev.), Early Modern Philosophy.Retrieved from, S. (n.d.). Act and Rule Utilitarianism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Retrieved from, B. [Brad Thames]. (2013, May 3).Drones are ethical and effective|Kenneth Anderson|Oxford union [Video file]. Retrievedfrom




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