The Supreme Court decisions of Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819) and McCull

The Supreme Court decisions of Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819) and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

A) expanded the role of the states in interfering with private contracts and undermined the operations of the Bank of the United States, respectively.
B) asserted the supremacy of the Tenth Amendment’s mandate that states retained any power that was not specifically delegated to the national government in the Constitution.
C) expanded the role of the Supreme Court in declaring a state legislature’s actions unconstitutional and ruled that states could not interfere with the workings of the federal government, such as the Bank of the United States, respectively.
D) permitted states to interfere with private contracts and declined to invalidate the imposition of a Maryland state tax on the Bank of the United States, respectively.


Answer: C

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