the finnce mnger spends most of his time mking mngeril finnce decisions s opposed to routine


the finnce mnger spends most of his time mking mngeril finnce decisions s opposed to routine functions.DISCUSS
The finance manager spends most of the time on the making managerial finance decisions such as like budgeting, working capital analysis, cost analysis and risks and uncertainty analysis, which are just opposite to the routine functions of the financial manager like planning, organizing and controlling of finance. The most important finance functions for the managerial decisions are included in the terms of capital budgeting decisions to allocation of the funds, sources of the fund decisions for the investment, the distribution of the

ofit between the stakeholders, become in the liquidity position at all time. In the other, routine function includes the supervision about cash payment and receipts, maintain daily records and timely reporting. These all routine functions are less time consuming and in the above time finance manager spends on managerial finance function to the business growth.




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