The administrators of Montreal College want


The administrators of Montreal College
want you to design the database for their motor vehicle management. A brief
description of operations follows:
Faculty members may use the various vehicles
owned by Montreal College for officially authorized travel. For example, the vehicles may
be used by faculty members to travel to off-campus learning centers, to travel to locations at which research papers
are presented, and to
transport students to officially authorized locations. The vehicles used
for such purposes are managed by Montreal College’s Travel Far But Slowly
(MFBS) Center.
Each department can make reservations
for vehicles to be used by its faculty. Each reservation should include the expected departure date, specific vehicle needed,
destination, and name of the authorized faculty member.
The faculty member checks out the
vehicle and returns it when the trip is finished. At return, the MFBS employee and the faculty
member will sign trip
completion form that includes the vehicle number, checkout and return date, the fuel level
and mileage at the start and end of the trip, maintenance complaints (if any),
and gallons of fuel purchased (if any). Upon receipt of the trip
completion form, the faculty member’s department is billed at a mileage rate
based on the vehicle type used:
sedan, station wagon, panel truck, minivan, or minibus.
All vehicle maintenance is performed by
MFBS employee. Each time a vehicle goes through maintenance, a maintenance log is kept
that includes the vehicle
number, the MFBS employee who maintained the vehicle, a brief description of
the type of maintenance required, maintenance date, and the names of the parts
used in the maintenance.
Given that brief
summary of operations, draw the appropriate (and fully labeled) ERD.




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