Statutory Interpretation Assessment


Statutory Interpretation AssessmentThis assessment is designed to assess candidates’ ability to answer questions thatdemonstrate state statutory legal authority. The assessment consists of 10questions. In order to answer the questions correctly, candidates must locate statestatutes (Missouri Revised Statutes) on the state’s web page, review the variouscategories and select the appropriate statute that addresses the question.Directions: Cite the statute number and title e.g.RSMo 11.022.1 state board of education—appointment, terms, removal,compensation.Cite the statute language that addresses the question. Answer any additionalquestions and provide any needed rationale, defense or explanation. Be clear andspecific in your response. Autograph your work with excellence!Statutory Interpretation Assessment Questions1. Name three conditions that a board of education may terminate the contractof a permanent teacher.2. What rights does a student have prior to being suspended from school? Arethese reasonable? Why or why not?3. Which district employees are required to have a criminal background checkbefore their employment starts? Does this requirement seem reasonable toyou? Why or why not? Discuss the balance of rights of employees with theresponsibility of the employer school district.4. How can a teacher appeal a decision by a board to terminate his or herpermanent contract? Is this reasonable? Why or why not?5. List three reasons why the state board can refuse to issue or renew a teachingcertificate. Are these expectations reasonable? Why or why not?6. When must a probationary teacher be notified that his or her contract willnot be renewed for the next school year? Can a probationary teacher resignfrom his/her job in August prior to the start of a new school year. Are theseconditions reasonable? Why or why not?7. What kind of training must be provided to school bus drivers? Is thisreasonable? Why or why not?8. What are the requirements for candidates for school board members(directors) of a 7 member school board? Are these requirementsappropriate? Why or why not?9. When must students and employees wear eye protective devices in schools orat school functions? Is this standard reasonable? Why or why not?10. What are the requirements for school districts regarding displaying theAmerican flag and recitation of the pledge of allegiance? Are thesereasonable? Why or why not?




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