The research model for this fictitious study is: U.S. Navy carrier air wing pilots thatexercise 60 minutes 5 times a week shows fewer symptoms of fatigue will on missions than U.S.Navy carrier air wing pilots that do not exercise while deployed on the aircraft carrier. Thehypotheses to be tested in this study are. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference infatigue symptoms of U.S. Navy carrier air wing pilots who exercise 60 minutes 5 times a week,then U.S. Navy carrier air wing pilots who do not exercise while deployed on the aircraft carrier.Alternative Hypothesis: U.S. Navy carrier pilots who exercise 60 minutes 5 times a week showsfewer symptoms of fatigue then U.S. Navy carrier air wing pilots who do not exercise whiledeployed on the aircraft carrier.Fifty pilots from different carrier air wing strike groups responded to this questionairanomously by leaving their completed questionair at each of their squadronâs safety office. Thisquestionair contained 3 variables to use to generate the data. The variables interested under thisfictitious study are: 1. Often did you exercise during the week on deployment, 2. Long perexercise session, 3. Feel less fatigue during the mission when you included exercise into yourroutine. In order to discover if exercising 60 minutes, 5 times a week helps eliminate thesymptoms of fatigue during the mission.pilots12345678910111213155654533245542606030602060405040406060203YYYYNYYYNYYYN14151617181920212223242526365547325534540306060302050106060303060YYYYNNNYYYNNY272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950545536224500035452534551603060602010304050600002060606010602030406015YNYYYYNYYYNNNNYYYNYNNYYNHypothesis test: Independent Groups (t-test, unequal variance)Group 13.92Group 239.90mean1.605020.0150Std devn49 df-35.980 difference (group 1 â Group 2)2.839 standard error of difference0 hypothesized difference-12.67 t2.2E-17 p-value (one-tailed, lower)
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