Statistics- Ophthalmology A study was performed among patients


(you can use SPSS)OphthalmologyA study was performed among patients with glaucoma, an important eyedisease usually manifested by high intraocular pressure (IOP); left untreated,glaucoma can lead to blindness. The patients were currently on twomedications (A and B) to be taken together for this condition. The purposeof this study was to determine whether the patients could drop medications Aand B and be switched to a third medication (medication C) without muchchange in their IOP. Ten patients were enrolled in the study. They receivedmedications A + B for 60 days and had their IOP measured at the end of the60- day period (referred to as IOPA+B). They were then taken offmedications A and B and switched to medication C, which they took for anadditional 60 days. IOP was measured a second time at the end of the 60-dayperiod while the patient was on medication C (referred to as IOP C). Theresults were as shown in Table 1.Patient number12345678910I0PA + B (mm Hg) (mm Hg)14.518.011.518. 1. Effect of medication regimen on IOP among glaucomapatientsPart1Q1.1/ What procedure can be used to test the hypothesis that there has been no meandifference in IOP after 60 days between the two drug regimens?Q1.2/Perform the procedure mentioned in question No.1, and report a two-tailed p-value.Part2A goal of the study is to establish whether switching to medication C is “equivalent” tothe original regimen of medication A and B. “Equivalence” here means that theunderlying mean IOP after switching to medication C has not changed by more than 2mm Hg in either direction.Q1.3/What procedure can be used to establish equivalence? Is equivalence the same asaccepting the null hypothesis in question 1.1? Why or why not?Q1.4/Implement the procedure in question1.3 to address the question of whether theregimens are equivalent.




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