Statistics are numerical statements of facts but all facts numerically stated are not statistics.


Statistics are numerical statements of facts but all facts numerically stated are not statistics. Explain
Statistics refers to systematic and organised collection of numerical facts. It tells information in terms of numerical facts or numbers such as employment rate, literacy rate or population data. An important point to note is that mere numbers or figures does not constitute statistics. Statistics convey meaningful validated information on basis of which a decision or inference can be made.Numerical figures can be called as statistics only when they relate to some particularvariable such as time, place, person etc. For example, “age of a person A in particular city is 35cannot be termed as statistics. But age of persons A, B,C in particular city are

35,37,40 respectively can be called as statistics because collective complete data indicates the age group of people in that particular city on basis of which employment rate, mortality rate etc can be inferred. Statistics has some sort of interrelationship existing within data which enables easy comparison or analysis of data. Numerical data which are random in nature and devoid of anyinter-dependence of events are not termed as statistics.




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