1.A new drug is to be compared to placebo in a test to determine control of hypertension. From apilot study it is estimated that 30% of patients respond positively to the drug versus 24% to theplacebo. Using these response rates, how many patients would need to be randomized to drug orplacebo (equal numbers to each) to show a significant effect at alpha = 0.05 at 80% power with atwoÂtailed test?2.A pharmacological manufacturer is concerned that a new drug used to control hypertension mayalter fasting blood glucose (FBG). What sample size would he or she need in a randomized clinicaltrial (equal numbers of subjects given the new drug or placebo) to have 80% power to detect a 5point difference in FBG if the standard deviation of FBG in the population is 19?3.For the following table, calculate the Pearson correlation between height and weight:Height (inches)âXâWeight (lbs) âYâ65160621407218060165
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