AVA project week 4 SECTION 1: Catching Exceptions With SuperclassesSECTION 2: CalculatorSECTION 1: Catching Exceptions With SuperclassesBack to TopUse inheritance to create an exception superclass called ExceptionA and exception subclassesExceptionB and ExceptionC, where ExceptionB inherits from ExceptionA and ExceptionC inheritsfrom ExceptionB. Write a program to demonstrate how one catch block can catch all three types ofexceptions. That is the catch block for type ExceptionA that catches exceptions of types ExceptionBand ExceptionC. The idea here is to have you write and understand exception handling and get asense of how you might use it in your final project.SECTION 2: CalculatorBack to TopWrite a Java program named that will display a form that does simple numericcalculations. The form should look like this:The form should successfully do simple integer arithmetic on integer numbers that are input. That is,the program should work correctly. When the user enters integer input and then presses thecalculate button, the program should display an integer answer in the answer text field. (It’s ok to dointeger arithmetic and truncate decimal values.) When the user clicks the exit button or the windowclosing button, the program should end.For right now, assume that the user will only enter integer numbers.If the user does not enter two numbers, or tries to do "division by zero," the program should indicatethat something is invalid
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