Revolving out of control, the maintenance worker shut down


DUE DATE: This test must be completed and submitted to me by midnightWednesday, November 18 standard eastern time.POINTS: This test is worth 500 points or 10% of your overall grade in theclass. Each problem is worth 25 points.DIRECTIONS: This is an open notes, open-book test. Rewrite the sentencesbelow so that they no longer have a dangling modifier or a misplacedmodifier. Do not fix the sentence by simply removing the modifier; themodifier must remain in your final sentence.1. The process will only require that you and your pets be out of theapartment for 15 minutes. (Keep the word "only" in the sentence.)Revised- The process will require that you and your pets be out of theapartment for only 15 minutes.2. Revolving out of control, the maintenance worker shut down theturbine.Revised- The maintenance worker shut down the turbine, since it wasrevolving out of control.3. Speaking to my friend, it dawned on me that I needed to call mymother.Revised-After speaking to my friend, it dawned on me that I needed tocall my mother.4. Exploding with tremendous force, people thousands of miles awayheard the volcanic eruption.Revised- People heard the volcanic eruption thousands of miles awaywhen it exploded with tremendous force.5. Deadwood, Kansas nearly was the home to a dozen of famouscharacters from the Old West. (Keep the word "nearly" in your finalsentence.)Revised- Deadwood, Kansas was the home to nearly a dozen famouscharacters from the Old West.6. James chased the balloon on in-line skates.Revised- While on in-line skates, James chased the balloon.7. Hammering on the tree outside my bedroom window, I was awakenedby a woodpecker at five o’clock every morning.Revised- I was awakened at five o’clock every morning by awoodpecker hammering on the tree outside my bedroom window.8. At the age of twelve, my social studies teacher entered me in a publicspeaking contest.Revised- My social studies teacher entered me in a public speakingcontest, at the age twelve.9. The mayor promised to get tough on crime on the steps of City Hall.Revised- From the steps of City Hall, the mayor promised to get toughon crime.10.Simon’s reading speed almost shows he reads 400 words perminute. (Keep the word "almost" in your final sentence.)Revised- Simon’s reading speed shows that he almost reads 400 wordsper minute.11.Ace Weekly is the most popular magazine in town founded in2012.Revised- Founded in 2012, Ace Weekly is the most popular magazine intown.12.Though I was speeding, the officer just let me off with a warning.(Keep the word "just" in your final sentence.)Revised- Although I was speeding, the officer let me off with a justwarning.13. After his surgery, Karl said, "It only hurts when I laugh." (Keep the word"only" in your final sentence.)Revised- After his surgery, Karl said, "It hurts when I only laugh."DIRECTIONS: Combine the following three choppy sentences into onesentence. Remember that you can combine sentences through compoundsubject, compound verb, and/ or a logical word. Do not use semi-colons tocombine these three sentences.13.Carla did her math homework. She listened to her ipod. She atepotato chips.Revised- Carla did her math homework while she listened to her ipodand ate potato chips.DIRECTIONS: Combine the sentences in the problems below by using oneof the following words: however, after, although, as, so, but, because,before, if, until, since, thus, therefore, when, whether, while, unless. Thesewords indicate the logical relationship between the two sentences. Selectthe word that BEST shows the logic between the two sentences.14.The children were playing in the yard. Their mother hid theirChristmas presents in a closet.Revised- While the children were playing in the yard, their mother hidtheir Christmas presents in a closet.15.Grandma lost her sight. Her hearing was improving.Revised- Although Grandma lost her sight, her hearing was improving.16.Janet helped James through school. He decided to do the samefor her.Revised- Since Janet helped James through school; he decided to dothe same for her.17.Paula turned off the stove. She put the soup in the tureen.Revised- After Paula turned off the stove she put the soup in thetureen.18.Ms. Jones planted apple trees around her house. Now she hasboth fruit as well as shade.Revised- Since Ms. Jones planted apple trees around her house, shenow has both fruit as well as shade.19.The home study course seemed to have everything I was lookingfor. I thought my troubles were over.Revised- The home study course seemed to have everything I waslooking for so I thought my troubles were over.




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