Queen Elizabeth II used on Canadian Coins. Lab 9


The URL below shows the 4 portraits of Queen Elizabeth II used on Canadian Coins.Lab 9. will examine the proportion of Canadian pennies or nickles with the portrait:http://www.mint.ca/store/mint/learn/faces-of-the-monarch-1100026The question that we wish to examine is: “Is the proportion of Canadian Coins from1965 to 1989 the same in different piggy banks?”This may seem silly, but the method would be the same for comparing the incidenceof a disease in different communities in the province.You are going to see if your coins come from the same population as my coins.I have 100 coins of which 97 are Canadian.I will be the second sample. Therefore n2=97.I have 28 coins with the above portrait. X2=28.Therefore the sample proportion and the complement are :280.28865979497ˆq2 1 0.288659794 0.711340206ˆp21. State the Null Hypothesis: H0: In terms of the statistics and/or parameters!The two samples of pennies come from the same populations, and the AlternativeHypothesis: H1: The two samples of pennies come from different populations.[ 2 marks ]H0: ______________________________________ H1: _______________________________2. Use level of significance = 0.103. Make your claim. H0 or H1. Do your coins come from the same population asmine? State the reason why you have chosen the claim you make.[ 2 marks ]4. Count the number of your coins that are Canadian. This will be n 1.______________All calculations should be shown to all decimal places on the calculator. [ 1 mark ]5. Count the number of your coins that have the above portrait on them. This will beX1. __________________________________[ 1 mark ]Xˆ6. Calculate the proportion of your pennies. p1 n1 ________________________ [ 1 mark ]17. Calculate pˆˆn p n2 p21 1and q 1 p __________________n n21_________________[2marks ]8. Calculate the standard error9. Calculate the test statisticz11pq_______________________n n21[ 1 mark ]ˆ ˆp1 p2 p1 p21 1pqn n21_________________________ [ 1 mark ]The null hypothesis is that p1-p2=010. Use either the P-value method or the Critical Area method to accept or rejectthe Null Hypothesis.[3 marks ]11. State whether there is or is not sufficient evidence to uphold your claim.[ 1 mark ]Please number each step as I have above. You do not need to use the symbols to reporteach value; you may use the words: p-bar; p-hat; standard error; and alpha etc.




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