PSYC 355SPSS CUMULATIVE ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONSThe following research questions can be answered using 1 of the 5 tests you have learned so far:single-sample t-test, paired-samples t-test, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, or twoway ANOVA. Use the information in the tables to construct your SPSS data file, just as you havebeen doing in Part 2 of each homework assignment. There is only 1 correct choice of analysisfor each question, and note that some tests are 1-tailed and some are 2-tailed. Theassessment is open-book/open-notes.For each problem involving a test of significance, your answer must include: A) SPSS output; B)an appropriate graph from SPSS; C) a Results section in current APA style including a statisticalstatement (i.e., t(19) = 1.79, p = .049); a sentence summarizing the results “in English” (i.e.,“There was a significant difference between the two groups on the variable…” or “There was nosignificant difference…”); and a decision about the null hypothesis.For ANOVA problems: Report statistical findings and make statements for all main effects andinteraction effects. Use Tukey’s test for any analyses requiring post hoc tests. Do not create aboxplot–use the graph we typically use in the course for this type of test.Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.1. Children who experience chronic pain as a result of medical procedures are the focus of apsychiatrist’s study. Specifically, the psychiatrist wants to measure whether a new programhelps decrease feelings of chronic pain in the short-term. He measures children’s self-reportsof pain levels before treatment on a standardized scale with a range of 0–10, with 10 beingthe most severe. He then administers the new program, and measures children’s pain levelsafter treatment. Does the new treatment decrease self-reported levels of chronic pain? (16pts)Patient Pain beforetx1925364453610798997105112125138143156167Pain after tx7643376884445434a) SPSS outputb) SPSS graphc) Current APA-style Results section2. A health psychologist in a northern climate wants toevaluate the claim that UV lamps help lowerdepressive symptoms in middle-aged women. Sherecruits volunteers who meet the criteria for clinicaldepression and assigns them to two groups: onegroup receives a standard treatment for depressionand undergoes a half hour of UV lamp therapy eachday; the other group receives the same standardtreatment for depression but without UV lamptherapy. At the end of two months, she administers adepression inventory where lower scores indicatefewer depressive symptoms (lower levels ofPage 1 of 4PSYC 355depression). Assume all other variables are controlled for in the study. Evaluate the claim thatdepression treatment plus the UV lamp results in lower depression scores than depressiontreatment alone. (16 pts)DepressionTreatment + UV3414293143173122291925271232DepressionTreatment Only3931292513144124263723414742a) SPSS outputb) SPSS graphc) Current APA-style Results section3. As part of a new prevention program, a clinical psychologist wants to see whether feelingsof alienation differ as a function of immigration status in a local high school. She dividesvolunteer students into three categories: first-generation immigrants, second-generationimmigrants, and non-immigrants. She then administers an instrument assessing feelings ofalienation, where higher scores indicate stronger feelings of alienation from peers, adults, andsociety in general. Is there a difference in alienation scores among these three groups? (16pts)Firstgenerationimmigrants35393437362339Secondgenerationimmigrants26372829362518Nonimmigrants29221725193016a) SPSS outputb) SPSS graphc) Current APA-style Results section4. In response to media reports of violence on college campuses, a psychologist who works at alocal community college decides to study students’ perceptions of campus safety. He hopes touse these results to help develop an on-campus violence prevention program. Theadministration has asked him additionally to look at whether perceptions of safety differPage 2 of 4PSYC 355depending on students’ year in school and gender. The psychologist administers aquestionnaire with possible scores ranging from 1-70, with higher scores indicating higherperceptions of safety on campus, and lower scores indicating perceptions that the campus isless safe. Based on the data collected below, do year in school and/or gender have an effecton perceptions of campus safety? (16 pts)FreshmenMaleFemale39665466605146455732Sophomore44326259293221304953JuniorSenior6367465141565260475945536857606155425861a) SPSS outputb) SPSS graphc) Current APA-style Results section5. A cross-cultural psychologist living in an overseas, non-Western rural area has a backgroundstudying culture bias in traditional psychological testing procedures. She contends thatmembers of a rural community who normally score lower than average on traditionalWestern-style IQ tests will score better than the general population on a new test thatemphasizes practical and social intelligence. Scores on the test can range from 1–100. Sherecruits 18 volunteers and administers the new test. Their scores are as follows:Practical/Social IQScores on New Test78638287746158888682646171Page 3 of 4PSYC 3556751765388Based on early normative data in Western countries, the mean for the general population is 64.Do members of this community score significantly higher on the new IQ test? (16 pts)a) SPSS outputb) SPSS graphc) Current APA-style Results sectionPage 4 of 4




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