One of the central debates during the Clinton presidency was over the role and scope of the federal government. What major policy initiatives during his first term illustrate this debate and what groups supported which initiative?
An ideal answer will:
1. Identify Clinton as a self-described moderate who ended up being opposed by both liberals and conservatives.
2. Identify the leadership of the Republican congressional takeover and discuss, in detail, the plans laid out in the Contract with America. Show how the contract guided the House’s policy proposals.
3. Illustrate how Clinton’s call to end “welfare as we know it” wound up changing the way the federal government funded welfare and what groups were most affected by this change.
4. Discuss the shutdown of the federal government and who was perceived as winning that conflict.
5. Write a concise and effective conclusion that illustrates whether the changes in the role of the federal government were true long-term shifts or just a reaction to temporary situations.
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