Neon Synergy Inc. operates in three different countries, and is headed


Neon Synergy Inc. operates in three different countries, and is headed by a CEO who believes that the best approach to ethics is cultural relativism. In this context, which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding Neon Synergy?

A. All business units of Neon Synergy will adopt a common standard of ethics irrespective of their location.

B. Business decisions made by managers of Neon Synergy will be solely based on the goal of maximization of societal good.

C. The business units of Neon Synergy will be empowered to adopt the standards of ethics followed in their respective host nations.

D. Neon Synergy will extensively advocate the idea that universal notions of morality transcend different cultures.

E. Neon Synergy will follow its home-country standards of ethics at all its foreign locations.




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