Marketing-Zappos®, the world’s largest online shoe retailer, discusses


Zappos®, the world’s largest online shoe retailer, discusses its commitment to social responsibility and to ethical behavior. Developing employee activities and long-term relationships with charitable organizations allows Zappos to ingrain the importance of helping the greater good into its organizational culture. Zappos culture also guides its employees to make ethical decisions (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2014). To learn more about Zappos, review the company blog with the Ethics and Social Responsibility concepts learned in Chapter 3 in mind:(©2009-2013 Zappos IP, Inc.)To learn how a company employs Corporate Social Responsibility, watch the following video on Zappos here, a popular online retailer.Using research from Chapter 3 in your textbook, write your response to the following questions:Does Zappos employ a societal marketing orientation, or is it just a company that has a large amount of corporate giving?Visit and explore the Zappos blog (©2009-2013 Zappos IP, Inc.). How is Zappos using this website to practice Corporate Social Responsibility?At which level of the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is Zappos operating? Why?At which level of morality does Zappos appear to operate? Why?Your responses must be substantive in order to receive the maximum amount of points.Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2014). MKTG7. Mason, OH: Cengage.Video:




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