Keeping data safe is not only a responsibility of the security


Keeping data safe is not only a responsibility of the security administrator but also of every employee in a company. Many times, the employee is the first level of security and can thwart break-ins, spot security breaches, and protect data. However, many employees do not know how to protect data, what data needs protecting, or what to do if a breach is detected.For this assignment, complete the following:Develop a Security Awareness Training (SAT) presentation for company employees.Present at least 8 elements to help employees keep the company data safe and their computers running well.Using your attached document, build a PowerPoint presentation following the summary.Add 2 additional items to the presentation that are not included in your attached document.You can include, but are not limited to, understanding the importance of security, what data to protect, what to do if a breach is detected, how to protect the company data, or how computers get infected.Your presentation should improve the employees’ security awareness and practices.Include, as the second slide, an agenda that names each security tip.Be sure to use a design template to add a professional look and consistency to the presentation.Add to the key assignment document an explanation of the 2 additional elements in your presentation. Explain the 3 topic points you provided for the 2 additional elements, describing why they are important.I have been asking to write up a brief report dealing with “Internal Use Only” dataclassification for Richman Investments. Are IT infrastructure is at risk of not have allsecurely issue in place. We as company need to look over are Availability, Integrity andConfidentiality of the network. That we are working on to reduce the risk of the companynetwork system. I would go thru and check the whole system for malware, viruses andhackers. The privacy data of clients are at risk of to hackers. Also are corporateintellectual at risk of get take by hackers as well. So we need to address the problem athand sooner then later. We don’t need to be put are clients or company info at risk ofgetting hacked. Are databases needs to be more secured and harder to accused. We needto got thru the whole network ensure the secured of the system. So my recommends is toless the risk, threat and vulnerability for the whole company.We as a company need to ensure that all users on the network are aware of all therule of the network in the following ways. We first as a company need to ensure that allemployee understanding the rules of the company. So we need to provide an all handsclass for everyone that work there to go thru. Thru each and every domain of accessed tothe network to ensure it well check and secured. This would also help with the leak ofimportant info. Have every employee sign a statement of understand of the rules.Everyone need to change his or her password every six months along with training needsto be done at the same time.We have to make the system harder to be hacked. We have to go thru the wholeLAN and WAN. Then go thru the whole system to ensure the security of the system anduser was up to date. We will start from the user workstation domain all the way to theserves. We need to go thru the router and firewalls. To ensure there properly updated to1block against of any new viruses and malware. We would also set more way to stopunauthorized user from enter the system. Such as give everyone in the company usernumber for each employee. With in the company to make it harder for outside source tohack the system. By this way we would verify all employee and hope that well stopanyone calling the service desk and false as employee. We will also need to set uprandom check of information daily to keep all employees on their toes. We need to set upall information with a risk level. So it will make it harder to get the info. This is in hopethat the more difficult you make the network the less of the chance of get hacked byoutside user.I do understand that you can’t make a network 100% bullet proof from outsidesource but the more difficult you make it in hope to less the risk. With the step put inplace are in hope to less the following malware, viruses and hackers. We also need tokeep in mind that there is still user that untrustworthy. I fell the more you train youremployee and keep them up to date. Along with hold their feet to the fire of networksecured you can less the chance of your network be wrongful use. Also you should postthe information around the work section for everyone to be aware of the information setforth.With the CIA triangle it break down in to seven different categories. The first one2you have is confidentiality. Confidentiality also can be break down to authenticity. Thesecond one is integrity. The second one break down too accuracy. The three one isavailability, which break down in to two more. The following two this break down to areutility and possession.Confidentiality the only person to have accessed to company data is the employeeand user of the company. Each and every employee needs to ensure that they don’t sharetheir log in information with no one else. Along with classify information with theemployee that doesn’t have the accessed to the document. There will be monthlyeducation to all user in the company also are network security policies will be postaround the work section. All document well be secure to all unauthorized not allow to beunsecured for any outside eyes. All document well be shred that have any information onto avoided any employee or company information leaking out of the company.Integrity we as all employees need to check every document for virus to ensurethat the document is not going to be hacked from outside source. By doing the followingset we well be able to prevent virus and hackers. This well keep the network safe fromunauthorized user get in the network as well. When we received a message we need tocheck the file size and ensure that it not corrupted. When created a document for any userto see you well be required to add a watermark with the company name in it so we all nothat the document came from with in the company.The availability of the network and application will only be available to the usersthat are authorized only to our company network. The networks well have an intrusion3detection system to prevent from unauthorized user get in the network. The firewall willalso be set up to prevent from going to unauthorized website and user to accessed arenetwork. This company interference well is only being available to the authorized user.The accuracy of all is networking secure and document will need to be check forany mistakes to prevent from document is missing read and understood. We will provedan authorized listed of application to be use by all users. When your doing your documentyou need to make sure that you go thru all info to ensure there is no typos with in yourdocument.With have a listed authorized website we can ensure the website the authenticityso the employee are not going to any spoofed website. We also need to start encryptionare document to ensure the authenticity stay true in the company. Along with all emailsent out will be sent with a digital signature and certificate. To ensure that the employeearen’t open email from not authorized to be open on the network.For the utility of all documents need to be secured so none of the data orinformation get out of the network. This would put are company under and close thedoors. We have to ensure that all document are only in usable format for this company touse. We wont want the information of are customer to leave the walls of are company.This would hurt are company a great deal.Possession of all are data need to be safe guard so we don’t breach ofconfidentiality to you as employee and are customers. There will be a policy in place toavoid the documents get in the wrong hands. All documents will be control by only4authorized with in accounted no one else will have accessed to this due to the classifiedof the info.The only sections allow adding new software to the system is the network securityemployee. You as employee in any section with in the company are not authorized to addnew software to the computer in the company. The hardware of all the computer with inthe company well only be upgraded by the information tech. Every night before you gohome you well power down your computer.Richman Investment Remote Access Policy5PurposeThe reason for this policy is due to our company growing. This is to give every networkuser a clear understanding of all exposure well on Richman Investment network.This well also keep unauthorized user off are network. This will help from documentswith in the company from be damage or corrupted. This will also help to prevent fromhacker or viruses corrupted are sensitive and confidential data.ScopeThe policy will be in place to all Richman Investment network user. That will be uses arenetwork with in the company or remote accessed. These will clearly up what is allowedand not allowed on the network. Along what kind of connected to the Internet you areallow having.PolicyGeneral1. The same consideration for all Richman Investment firm will be use for all userincluded remote accused and on-site user2. The remote accused user are allow to accused internet for recreational only if they arepay a flat rate for there internet service. When use internet accused for remote accuseduser you are responsible to enforce the policy set forth by the firm. The use of internetshould not be misused against the policy by any family member will on are network.3. Take the time to review the following polices to protecting the information of the6Richman Investment firm.a. Encryption Policyb. Remote accused Policyc. Wireless Communications Policyd. Acceptable Use Policy4. When need help with your remote access connection this can be done thru networkhelp desk or via website. You will need to provide certain info to accused the system.3.2 Requirements1. You will need to set up pass-phrases and password this not allowed to be shared withno one.2. At no time you should your give no one your login or email password info thisincluded not even family member.3. With be a remote accused user this fall completed on the user to safe guards allcompany network information. You can’t connecter to no other network the onlyexception is your own network at home.4. You are not allowed to accuse no personal email but your company will on thecompany network.5. There is a dedicated router for all authorized user. At no time will you reconfigureyour home connected in any spade or form.6. When connected to the internal network with remote access you must keep allsoftware up dated and this included your anti-virus software. You can find the7authorized software on the company help desk website.4.0 EnforcementIf any user violated anything with in the policy you will face disciplinary andtermination of all employment.Richman InvestmentsAcceptable usage PolicyOverviewThis will be the Acceptable usage Policy for Richman Investments firm this will beapplies to all Internet users with in this company. This will be apply who access theInternet through the computing or networking for any resources. You as an employee ofRichman Investments will be expected to uphold the policy set forth. You must use goodjudgment while using the Internet services with Richman Investments.This is to define a LAN-to-WAN, Internet, and Web surfing Acceptable usage Policy thatrestricts usage of the company’s Internet connection and permits the company to monitorusage of the corporate Internet connection.PurposeThe purpose for this policy is to outline the acceptable use of computer equipment at8Richman Investments. The rules are in place to protect the employee and RichmanInvestments. Inappropriate will exposes Richman Investments to the risks including virusattacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues.ScopeThis policy applies to all Richman Investments network user. This policy applies to allequipment that is owned or leased by Richman Investments. I strongly recommended allemployees with in this company read and fully understand this policy. When access thecompany Internet this applies to all users no matter how you connected to the network.By signed acknowledgment form will be turned in and will be kept on file at the facilitygranting the access. Please don’t heisted to call or email Information Technology (IT)Department.PolicyGeneral Use and OwnershipWhile Richman Investments ‘s network administration desires to provide a reasonablelevel of protecting to the company users should be aware that the data they create on thecorporate systems remains the property of Richman Investments.Unacceptable UseRequires the enforcement of strict ingress-egress filtering policies for network traffic.Certain traffic is expressly forbidden:No peer-to-peer file sharing or externally reachable file transfer protocol (FTP) servers.No downloading executable from known software sites.No unauthorized redistribution of licensed or copyrighted materialNo exporting internal software or technical material in violation of export control laws9No introduction of malicious programs into networks or onto systems.No accessing unauthorized internal resources or information from external sourcesNo port scanning or data interception on the networkNo denying service or circumventing authentication to legitimate usersNo using programs, scripts, or commands to interfere with other network usersNo sending unsolicited e-mail messages or junk mail to company recipientsNo accessing adult content from company resourcesNo remote connections from systems failing to meet minimum-security requirementsEnforcementIf any employee violations this Network Policy will be documented and will lead torevocation of system privileges or disciplinary action up to and including termination.Depend on how bad you violated this policy this company will seek legal action. Youcould seek jail time. This matter shouldn’t be taking lightly by anyone in the firm.Leap-a Oompa-a computer virusThis virus has a many way of working as it can be a worm and trojan. This virus wasreal different then most virus it target many different operating system. It was able to10infect the window and macintosh operating system. It would act as a simple imagefile. It would show up in your latest picture and acted like it was something fromapple to view. It would deliver it self like a trojan horse it would make you think itwas something different then what it real was. There was code hide in the file namedlatestpics.tgz, It would show a picture of something interesting. Once you doubleclicked on the image as it appear as image file on your computer it would start installitself on your system. On the macintosh it would first try and send everyone in youriChat buddy listed an iChat file message. This would rapidly start share the downloadwith everyone in your contacted it could attacked. It shared the file automaticallysend to everyone with in your contacts. This would use external applications to do allthe work so it could move a lot easier. You wouldn’t even know it was doing it. Thenit would infected your InputManger start infected the Cocoa application. It would useyour Spotlight search to get your top used applications and infect them. It shows upsomething different then it real is. This virus holds many different form with in it self.Once it attacked a applications it won’t allow you to open it so you have to install anew copy of the software. It takes a human to spread thru your computer. This viruscame up in early 2006 to start attacked macintosh system. You can prevent this fromhappen by installing antivirus software on you Mac. Ensure you only open files fromknowing sources or user that will limit the risk of you download it on your Mac. Keepyour Mac up to date with all the security updates that apple sends out. You candefend from get this infection by watch what you do on your Mac. There are manydifferent ways to stop the intrusion. One of the best ways to prevent it is not allowingaccess to the input manger. Then going terminal and looking for a file called apphook11and remove it.Employee Computer SecurityMicrosoft Windows operating systems are arguably the most common andpopular platform for enterprise workstations. The Microsoft Windows operating systemsof the past have been known for their lack of security and ease with which they could becompromised by both malware and “hackers.” Microsoft responded with their TrustedComputing initiative, which included a requirement that all Microsoft developers readand apply the principles contained in the book “Writing Secure Code.” The currentlydeployed Windows 7 operating system and recently introduced Windows 8 operatingsystem are both a product of this security initiative, and include a large number ofsecurity features that far surpass the level of security attained by previous Windowsoperating systems. Hence, current editions of the Windows operating system can behardened to a significantly higher level of security, which is extremely important sincethe Windows operating system has the largest number of PC based computer installationson the planet, making Windows operating systems the largest target by far for maliciousattacks, (Microsoft, 2013).Current versions of the Windows operating system (specifically Windows 7 andWindows 8) are designed with built in tools that can protect data from unauthorizedaccess to file system storage contents. Bitlocker is a tool designed to encrypt informationon the file system so that only authorized individuals have access. Bitlocker was availablein Windows Vista however the feature was limited to internal hard drives. However, with12the release of Windows 7, Bitlocker can now be used to secure information on externaldrives such as USB flash drives, as well (this feature is known as “Bitlocker to Go”). TheBitlocker tool is especially important for those employees that travel because if a laptopcontaining sensitive company information is lost or stolen, the company informationstored on the device will be inaccessible to would be data thieves due to the high level ofsecure Bitlocker encryption, (Microsoft, 2013).To enable the Bitlocker tool, an employee (or administrator) must access theWindows Control Panel area, and then select System and Security and then BitlockerDrive Encryption. At that point they should select the Turn On Bitlocker item. Bitlockerwill then scan the drive and create a second partition if one does not already exist, andthen require a reboot. During the reboot, the employee must enable TPM (the TrustedPlatform Module) on the system, usually through software on the system or by accessingthe feature in the BIOS. Bitlocker uses TPM to protect both the boot up sequence andstorage drive contents from tampering. Then the employee will be directed by Bitlockerto select a recovery key method such as storing the key to a USB flash drive, saving thekey to a network drive, or printing the recovery key. Then the employee should select theRun Bitlocker System Check, click Continue, then click Restart Now, and after booting,Bitlocker encrypts the drive contents. Then if unauthorized access is attempted in anyway, the TPM and operating system immediately resort to “Recovery Mode” where therecovery key must be presented in order to access contents of the storage drive, even ifthe drive is removed from the computer, (Microsoft, 2010).Hence, by requiring employees to enable the use of Microsoft’s Bitlocker tool,confidential company information can be kept safe from prying eyes, especially on the13road if a company owned device such as a laptop or tablet or even USB flash drive lost orstolen.The four key security tips that I would share with coworkers to keep their data safe, theircomputers free from malware, and to threat any attacks are listed below:First security key tip is to install latest antivirus software: Latest anti-virus software isinstalled on every system that protects the system from new viruses, worms, and Trojanhorses. Also antivirus program that is installed is configure to scan e-mail and files asthey are downloaded from the Internet. Many Information technology organizations likeSymantec, McAfee and Sophos have released their anti-virus software in order to preventor block spyware. The company called Grisoft also released their own anti-virus softwarewith the name of AVG Anti-Virus. Free version of AVG antivirus is also available forprivate and non commercial users. The different way of preventing Trojan is never openany e-mails or download any attachments from unknown senders.This security tip is implemented by installing free version of antivirus software frominternet or purchases your own antivirus software online/ buys CD from market.Installing latest antivirus software is very important because it helps user to detect anyvirus threat to their system immediately as they usually runs on the back thread always.Also antivirus software provides complete details of virus, with options to remove or tomove into vault. [Nortan 2006]Install Firewall program: Other security key tip is to install firewall to keep theiroperating system and network secure. A firewall is a program that prevents unauthorizeduse and access to computer. A firewall can be either hardware or software. Hardware14firewalls provide a strong degree of protection from most forms of attack coming fromthe outside world and can be purchased as a stand-alone product or in broadband routers.Unauthorized access is often viewed as hackers gaining access to user data files andresources from across the Internet.This security tip is implemented by either enabling it from control panel of Microsoftwindows or user can also do some third party firewall installation which might help them.Installation of firewall is important as intruder unauthorized access to the system isstopped and overall system gets protected. [Pinktec 2011]Authentication: This is the process to test the users credential for system, whether theuser is actually have their valid user login details, such as user id or password to accessthe system or not. If it validates than the user is entitled to enter the system otherwise hewill not be allowed to enter the system. This usually keeps unwanted or harmful hackersaway from the system.It is implemented by setting user id and password to access your system. This isimportant because it prevent unauthorized access to your system.Password Protection Standards: Password Protection Standards are the control foraccessing confidential data on network or remote system. Passwords and Passphrases areused for accessing the confidential data. And this is generally accomplished by the use ofpublic and private key concept.It is implemented by setting passwords and passphrases to access confidential data onsystem or network. Passphrases is generally implemented in order to support forpublic/private key authentication. A public/private key system enables the process ofestablishing a mathematical relationship between the public key that is known and15confirmed to all, and the private key, that is confirmed as well as known to only one user.It is important because this mechanism enables to implement security with which theaccess can only be given only to the desired user with the aid of the private key. Apassphrase is an enhanced copy or can say advance version of a password and hence,more secure. A passphrase is typically composed of multiple words. This enables thesecurity against "dictionary attacks." [Broder 2006]Reference: – page=9, (2010), Turning on Bitlocker Drive Encryption on an Operating System Drive,Retrieved from16, (2013), Lock up your data using Bitlocker Drive Encryption, Retrieved from, (2013), Microsoft Trustworthy Computing, Retrieved from, J., (2006). Risk analysis and the security survey. Third edition. Elsevier Inc. (2007), Keeping OS and Antivirus Software up to Date, Computer Services. (2011), Firewalls Advantages and Disadvantages,




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