In the following APA formatted reference, to what does the 21 refer? H

In the following APA formatted reference, to what does the 21 refer? Harris, R. M., Bausell, R. B., Scott, D. E., Hetherington, S. E., & Kavanagh, K. H. (1998).

An intervention for changing high-risk HIV behaviors of African American drug-dependent women. Research in Nursing and Health, 21(3), 239-250.
a. Bibliographical reference
b. Chapter number
c. Issue number
d. Volume number



The bibliographical information on a source should be recorded in a systematic manner. Many journals and academic institutions use the American Psychological Association format. The “21” denotes the volume number.
The bibliographical reference is the whole entry.
Chapter numbers are not included in the citation.
The issue number is 3.



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