HW#5 Interpreting Plate Tectonics from Topography and Rock Samples


HW#5 Interpreting Plate Tectonics from Topography and Rock SamplesApplying your knowledge of boundaries to identify plate boundaries of two unknown continents.In this homework we are going to apply what we are discussing in class about the characteristics of plateboundaries (e.g. topography, earthquakes, tectonic activity, etc), the processes at these plateboundaries, and the rocks that will be found there, to interpret the plate boundaries of two unknowncontinents.You will be asked to complete the following1. Identifying topographical features on a shaded relief box diagramPDF version of that single image available in D2L from the quiz page : HW#5 Shaded Relief Image withLocations2. Identify characteristics rocks samples from each location (rock type and rock name) which will clueyou in to the types of processes that are dominate at that location3. Identify the type of plate boundary at each location4. Predict the likelihood and distribution of earthquake and volcanic activity, based on your previousinterpretation.This homework is intended to be a review for the upcoming exam, so recommend make sure that youhave your versions of the rock cycle, Bowen’s Reaction series, and the various concept maps we havebeen completing as you work on the homework. Also recommend reviewing previous homework andmastery quizzes as well.Pre Homework Questions ( 1 pt)Below are statements that reflect some of what you should be getting out of this assignmentBefore you complete the assignment, rate how true each of the following statements is for you using ascale of 1-­‐s for these pre-­‐questions are graded only for being complete (1 pt all or nothing) and not what your answers are.1. I am comfortable identifying if a rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphicbased on appearance and description.2. I can identify igneous rocks based on mineralogy and texture.3. I can identify metamorphic rocks based on mineralogy and texture.4. I can identify sedimentary rocks based on texture and sedimentary features.5. Based on the rock type (e.g. sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic) and itsappearance, I can infer the conditions under how that rock formed and associatethat with a potential plate boundary6. I am comfortable associating the topographic features and tectonic activities foreach of different plate boundariesIdentifying topographic features and rock samplesUse the image provided in the pdf linked to the homework or here and the follow rock picture anddescriptions to answer the following identification questions.7. Which of the location(s) present on the diagram has mountains above sea level? Select all thatapplyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 58. Which of the location(s) present on the diagram has large ridges below sea level? Select all thatapplyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 59. Which of the location(s) present on the diagram has a thick amounts of clastic sediments resultingin a wide continental shelf? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 510. Which of the location(s) present on the diagram has a deep ocean trench? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 511. Which of the location(s) present on the diagram is relatively flat with a thin layer of sediment overbasalt? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 5Location 1 samplesDown below are two samples of rocks collected from Location 1. Use the image and the descriptions toidentify the rock type (e.g. sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic) and also the specific rock name (e.g.granite, gneiss, basalt, sandstone, etc…).Location 1: Sample 1This rock sample is crystalline with characteristicsbands of a light and dark colored minerals. The lightcolored minerals bands appear to be dominated bya hard white to translucent mineral that fractures.The dark mineral bands are dominated by a dark,vitreous mineral with non-­‐perpendicular cleavage.12. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 1? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic13. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 1?Location 1: Sample 2This rock sample is crystalline as well, but theindividual crystals are hard to see even with the useof a hand lens. The image provided is close up andthe minerals are still hard to see. Analysis does notfind much quartz. Instead common minerals aredark silicate with non-­‐perpendicular cleavage and awhite, hard mineral that is rich in sodium (Na).14. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 2? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic15. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 1?Location 3 samplesDown below are two samples that were collected from location 3. Use the images and descriptions toidentify if what rock type they are and the specific rock name.Location 3, Sample 3It was necessary to dig deep into the crust atlocation 3 to get this sample. It is crystalline withvisible crystals of dark colored minerals. Theseminerals are mainly black in color, but one of themappears to have a bluish look to it.16. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 3? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic17. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 3?Location 3, sample 4This sample was collect on the surface atthis location. It is finely crystalline withvery dark minerals18. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 4? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic19. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 4?Location 4 samplesDown below are two samples of rocks collected from Location 4. Use the image and the descriptions toidentify the rock type (e.g sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic) and also the specific rock name (e.g.granite, gneiss, basalt, sandstone, etc…).Location 4 sample 5.This dark rock has very thin layers, breaks aparteasily, and has deep sea fossils. The clasts are sofine they cannot be seen, even with a hand lens.20. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 5? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic21. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 4?Location 4 sample 6.This sample was taken from underneath the layerthat sample 5 was taken from. It is also dark in color,but crystalline and no evidence of fossils. The crystalsare so fine that it is hard to see them, even with ahand lens.22. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 6? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic23. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 6?Location 5 samplesDown below are two samples of rocks collected from Location 4. Use the image and the descriptions toidentify the rock type (e.g sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic) and also the specific rock name (e.g.granite, gneiss, basalt, sandstone, etc…).Location 5 sample 7.This rock has visible sand size grains, which aredominated by one type of mineral. The mineral iswhite to translucent in color, hard, and does notcleave. Bi-­‐directional cross beds are present as wellas clam fossils.24. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 7? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic25. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 7?Location 5 sample 8.This sample has smaller grains than sample 7. Theyare fine and hard to see, but you can feel themwhen you run your hands over the sample. Thesample has a little gritty feel to it. There can be veryfine bi-­‐directional cross beds present, but moreoften see ripples and marine animal burrows.26. Based on the image and the description provided what rock type is sample 7? Choose oneo Sedimentaryo Igneouso Metamorphic27. Based on the image and description was is the specific rock name for sample 7?Identifying and Interpreting Plate BoundariesUse the topographical features that you identified on the box diagram of the two continents and theidentification of the rock samples that infer geologic processes at each location to identify and interpretthe different plate boundaries present.Question 28 (4 points)28. Down below is a list of specific types of plate boundaries that are possible. For each location onthe diagram select the term that best described the plate boundary (nor not a plate boundary).Note: Each answer can be used more than once or not at all.1. Oceanic Divergent Plate Boundary2. Continental Divergent Plate boundary__ Location 13. Not a plate boundary, but a passive margin__ Location 24. Not a plate boundary, but an abyssal plain.__ Location 35. Ocean to ocean convergent plate boundary withsubduction__ Location 46. Ocean to continent convergent plate boundarywith subduction__ Location 57. Continent to continent convergent with collision8. Transform plate boundary29. In one to two complete sentences describe which direction continent B is moving relative tocontinent A and explain your answer. Assume the rate of plate movement is the same for allboundaries. (2 pts not in a complete sentence, no points are given)Locations of tectonic activity and potential hazards.Based on your interpretation of type of plate boundary present (or not) for each location, identify whichlocations will be most likely to have the various types of earthquake and volcanic activity.30. Which of the following locations would you expect to find the hypocenter of deep earthquakes(depth greater than 300 km, so into the mantle)? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 531. Which of the following locations would you expect to have shallow earthquakes (less than 20 kmdepth) on the topographical feature that indicates the plate boundary? Select all of the locationsthat apply.o Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 532. Which of the following locations would earthquakes be an uncommon event? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 533. Which of the following locations would volcanoes or fissures with mafic magmas be a commonevent? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 534. Which of the following locations would volcanoes with intermediate or felsic magmas be acommon event? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 535. Which of the following locations would volcanic activity (volcanoes or fissures) be an uncommonevent? Select all that applyo Location 1o Location 2o Location 3o Location 4o Location 536. You are in charge of locating a nuclear power plant in a geologically sound area with a extremelylow chance of volcanoes and strong earthquakes. Using your knowledge of plate boundaries andassociated volcanic and earthquake activity and your answers for the questions above to decide onwhich continent on the provided image would you place the nuclear plant. In one to two completesentences identify the continent and explain why? (2 pts) . Points will only be awarded forresponses that are in one to two complete sentences.Post Homework Questions ( 2 pt)Below are statements that reflect some of what you should be getting out of this assignmentBefore you complete the assignment, rate how true each of the following statements is for you using ascale of 1-­‐s for these pre-­‐questions are graded only for being complete (1 pt all or nothing) and not what your answers are.37. I am comfortable identifying if a rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphicbased on appearance and description.38. I can identify igneous rocks based on mineralogy and texture.39. I can identify metamorphic rocks based on mineralogy and texture.40. I can identify sedimentary rocks based on texture and sedimentary features.41. Based on the rock type (e.g. sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic) and itsappearance, I can infer the conditions under how that rock formed and associatethat with a potential plate boundary42. I am comfortable associating the topographic features and tectonic activities foreach of different plate boundaries43. In the space down below, write a sentence on what skills or knowledge you are feeling moreconfident on now after completing this exercise OR what questions you may still have aftercompleting this exercise.




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