How did the different explanations of William Clark and Red Bear, an I

How did the different explanations of William Clark and Red Bear, an Indian leader of the Nez Perce, to the reception given by the Nez Perce Indians to the Lewis and Clark expedition reflect

different cultural assumptions of whites and Indians in the United States?
A) William Clark attributed the friendly behavior of the Nez Perce as the normative (white) cultural response to receiving valuable gifts and his own skills as a negotiator; while, Red Bear attributed his tribe’s friendly behavior to fulfilling a historic Nez Perce prophecy.
B) William Clark attributed the unfriendly behavior of the Nez Perce to their lack of education and effective communication skills; while, Red Bear attributed the Nez Perce’s unfriendly behavior to the cheap and useless gifts offered by Lewis and Clark.
C) William Clark attributed the unfriendly behavior of the Nez Perce to their being intimidated by the guns, tools, and horses of the members of the Lewis and Clark expedition; while, Red Bear attributed the tribe’s unfriendly behavior to fearing for their tribe’s health and lives from these strange, intimidating white people.
D) William Clark attributed the friendly behavior of the Nez Perce to their awe and respect of the white people and their guns, tools and horses; while, Red Bear attributed their friendly behavior with the hope that Clark and his expedition would just leave quickly and resume their travels to the Pacific Ocean.


Answer: A

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