How did the creation of the Northwest Territory out of lands claimed b

How did the creation of the Northwest Territory out of lands claimed by Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York spur western settlement? What was the significance of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 to the political, social, and economic con



An ideal answer will:
1. Discuss how the congressional establishment of formerly off-limits territories—and eventually states that would become Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin—spurred western migration and settlement by Americans.
2. Discuss how the orderly grid system of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped create clear and well-organized boundaries for farms and towns, protected private property, and encouraged widely dispersed settlements rather than compact communities.
3. Discuss how the Northwest Ordinance promoted public education.
4. Assert how the Northwest Ordinance of 1787’s prohibition of slavery in the Northwest Territories discouraged slaveholders from moving into the territories and prevented slavery from developing a strong political and economic status in this region.
5. State how the Northwest Ordinance of 1787’s protection of religious freedom spurred western settlement of certain Protestant sects disfavored back East.
6. Note that the Northwest Ordinance of 1787’s statement regarding not taking Indian lands or property without their consent was not effectively enforced and, thus, did not stop the intensification of conflicts among American Indians, Europeans, and Americans in the trans-Appalachian West.
7. Note how specific provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 overall extended republican institutions and ideas to these western territories and states.
8. Write a concise and effective conclusion.

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