How did life change for Americans in the 1950s and what factors account for the varied experiences between whites and people of color?
An ideal answer will:
1. Discuss advances in science and technology and how they changed everyday life for Americans in the 1950s.
2. Explain why the Truman Administration decided to expand the nation’s nuclear program after World War II and how the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union impacted daily life in America.
3. Discuss the rapid growth of suburbs in the 1950s and explain both the causes and effects of the suburbanization of America.
4. Discuss the migration of African-Americans from the South to the North after World War II and describe the effects of this migration on the nation as a whole.
5. Compare and contrast the experience of white Americans with African-Americans and Latinos in post-World War II America.
6. Write a concise and effective conclusion.
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