Given that Lighthouse is a nonprofit organization of modest size, whic


Given that Lighthouse is a nonprofit organization of modest size, which of the following is the least feasible option for the employer?

A) an onsite wellness healthcare clinic
B) a major medical benefits program with a larger deductible
C) a healthcare program using a point-of-service system
D) using an external source to administer healthcare benefits
E) a limited-benefit healthcare insurance plan with an annual cap



Answer: A
Explanation: A) While onsite clinics often provide a high return on investment, the initial costs would be sizeable. So Choice A is correct: If Lighthouse is a small nonprofit with a limited staff and modest reserve assets, then this choice is least feasible. The others would be more or less possible if the organization is researching options for reducing Pearce’s premiums. Researching a range of point-of-service systems (Choice C) or external providers (Choice D) might turn up a better option, especially one that comes with a higher deductible (Choice B) or a lower cap on benefits (Choice E).

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