Final Project: Public Relations Campaign


Final Project: Public Relations CampaignStudents will develop a public relations campaign that effectively addresses a specific public relationsproblem or opportunity, includes recommendations and a complete communications strategy thatfollows the format discussed in the course. Be on the lookout for companies that are launching newproducts or services. You may also consider choosing a company that needs to refresh its image orconsumer perception.Please send me an e-mail with your company. I will confirm if the company is appropriate andwhether or not it is available.The analysis will be based on information from secondary sources (e.g., business publications/tradejournals), the textbook, and your professional experiences. Please do not conduct any primaryresearch (e.g., your own surveys). Your report should be about five (5) to seven (7) pages single spacedpages and must not exceed seven single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margin pages. Pleaseinclude exhibits when appropriate, however these will not be included in the page total. Useheadings and subheadings throughout your report. Your campaign should include the followingsections (please refer to Chapter 6):1. Introduction: An executive summary of the present situation including challenges that you arefacing and how the PR campaign will help you address those challenges.2. Goals: What the PR campaign will help you achieve.3. Threats & Opportunities4. Target Audience: Describe the types of people that you want to reach.5. Strategies: The methods that you will use to achieve your goals.6. Campaign Action Plana. Campaign Theme / Messagingb. Objectivesc. Strategiesd. Tactics7. Evaluation8. BudgetWant to choose either JC Penney or Sears




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