Discuss the impact of the Red Scare on American politics and civil lib

Discuss the impact of the Red Scare on American politics and civil liberties.

What will be an ideal response?


The ideal answer should include:
1. In a pattern that became known as McCarthyism, mostly Republican conservatives blamed liberal Democrats in the administration for communist successes abroad.
2. Despite his general support for civil liberties, Truman helped set the tone for pursuing suspected traitors.
3. Truman established a federal employee loyalty program in March 1947.
4. Attorney General Tom Clark drew up a list of supposedly subversive organizations.
5. The federal courts ruled that words alone could be treasonable.
6. The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigated Hollywood, the television industry, and universities as well as the executive branch of the U.S. government.
7. Senator Joseph McCarthy led the Republican effort to discredit Democrats as unpatriotic.

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