Discuss the circumstances facing the American Gulf Coast, in particula

Discuss the circumstances facing the American Gulf Coast, in particular New Orleans, leading up to the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005.

Explain the lack of preparedness at both state and federal levels in their response to the natural disaster along with the plights of survivors due to the consequences of inaction.


An ideal answer will:
1. Discuss the history of the city of New Orleans and its vulnerability to storms of great magnitude.
2. Discuss the implications of man’s reshaping of the nature in and around the city as well as any connections that can be made to President Bush’s lack of administrative interest in promoting national conservation.
3. Discuss the problems faced by the city’s residents while focusing on the overwhelming stresses placed on the city’s support infrastructure and residents who were economically unable to prepare for the impending storm.
4. Discuss the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina and why FEMA initially failed to deliver assistance to the residents in the affected areas.
5. Discuss the lasting results that the failures of the state and federal governments had on the future of New Orleans as a city.
6. Write a concise and effective conclusion.

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