devry mgmt591 week 2 Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Assignment


Week 2

Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Assignment
Developing a
willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection is a critical leadership
skill that is not easily learned, yet which reaps many rewards. The Life Styles
Inventory enables you to examine your own unique way of thinking, and how it
influences your behavior.
Your Assignment:
Complete (on your
own) the Life Styles Inventory according to the procedure”>here, so that you end up
with your “Life Styles Circumplex” profile: 12 “personal
thinking style” scores, with one score for each section of the circumplex.
See the embedded link for additional information.
Write a three to five
page paper examining and explaining your LSI results. Make sure to comply with”>Grading
Rubric provided. The required page count does not include the title page
or table of contents. Hint: The table of contents should include
the four topics in the grading rubric.
Due Date: Place in
the Dropbox by midnight on Sunday of Week 2.
LSI Style
Interpretations: Go to the LSI1 Results page, find your circumplex profile, and
click on the circumplex “slice” of one of the styles. The site will
bring you to a customized interpretation of the style you clicked on. Click on
each of the 12 “slices” to see all of the customized style
description pages.
How to Use the Inventory”>here to go to the
Life Styles Inventory (LSI) exercise. Follow the instructions given on the LSI




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