DEVRY MGMT591 full course project latest 2015 november


Course proj

Research shows that people learn effectively when working on real
problems grounded in their own work experience. To this end, our Course Project
is designed to incorporate students’ work experience into the learning process
in this course.
The project is an opportunity to explore, in-depth, a topic
related to the course objectives (TCOs) that is of significance to you or your
organization (current or former).
Members of the class are required to prepare an applied research
paper, with a minimum of 10 pages but not to exceed 15 pages in length
(excluding cover page, table of contents and appendices), on a specific issue
related to leadership or organizational behavior.
Topic Selection
Select aspecificorganization of interest to you and
identify a problem at the firm related to organizational behavior (OB).
Think of yourself as an organizational consultant, and assume that
a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of
action to resolve an actual organizational problem that will make a difference
to the future performance of the organization.
Identify which of course Terminal Course Objective(s) (TCO) are
related to the problem you identify.
Research Sources
All papers must have aminimum of six scholarly sourcescited within the text of the paper,
and identified in the references section.
Additional research sources can be attached in a bibliography.
Review the following document for instructions on how to access
and use EBSCOhost for your–ebsco_host_tutorial_updated.docx”>EBSCOhost.
Paper Format
All papers should be single sided, double-spaced, using an 11- or
12-point font.
The length of the paper is to be between 10 and 15 pages, not
counting cover page, table of contents and appendices.
The first page should include the title of the work, student name,
course number, date, and professor name.
The second page should be a table of contents. It should, at a
minimum, reflect the seven items listed in the Grading Rubric.
Follow APA style for general format and citations (see APA
Guidelines tutorial in the Syllabus).
Paper sections must adhere to the guidelines below, and each
section must be labeled in the text.
Language should be clear, concise, and precise.
Tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with
Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct.
Report must be free of misspellings and typos.
Tables and Figures
All figures and tables must be referred to in your text before
they appear on the page.
Figures and tables should appear on the same page as, or the page
after, the text that refers to them.
All figures and tables need captions. Captions go below figures
and above tables.
Quotations and Citations
Quotations and citations are crucial components of a research
paper and must be present.
Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas is
Refer to APA style guide for assistance with properly citing
quoted and/or borrowed materials and ideas.
Turnitinis used on all reports and
projects. A report can be obtained for your review prior to submitting your
final work. Make sure that you are in compliance with the University’s 20/80




Familiarize yourself with course content and select an
organization and problem area to research.


Submit written Brief Proposal of Research
containing the following:
1. A
brief overview of the chosen organization and your role in it.
2. Preliminary
problem statement in the form of a researchable question.
3. A brief
narrative description of the organizational problem that you would like to
research and resolve.
4. Which
Terminal Course Objective(s) your problem is related to.


Conduct library research on your topic.
1. Identifya
minimum of six scholarly resources for your project.
2. All
resources for the paper must come from the DeVry library and must be of
scholarly quality.
3. Use
the librarians for assistance in accessing materials.
4. Review
the “using EBSCO” tutorial.
Please Note: Articles found online
(many on consulting company websites, Internet magazines, or other blogs)will not be considered an
acceptable scholarly resource. Conduct your research through a
library where you can be assured that the sources are of scholarly quality.


Submit written Expanded Research Proposal
containing the following:
1. Title
page and Table of Contents.
2. Documentation
of at least three initial scholarly sources from the library.
3. Expanded
introduction to the organization.
4. Expanded
description of your chosen problem.
5. Preliminary
solution options (can be bullet points).
6. Preliminary
analysis of leadership and organizational behavior concepts addressed in the


Continue to work on class project; seek professor help as


Submit completed project.

Project Outline
Your paper must include the following sections:




Title Page


Title of your applied research paper, course number and
title, professor, and date.



Provide an overview of the organization and your role in
it. Give enough information about the firm to acquaint an unfamiliar
person (no matter how famous the company). Identify name, location, size,
market segment (business line), and a brief history. Identify the
essential issues, events, or actions to help frame the problem and subsequent
discussion points.

Problem Statement


Identify and clearly state the problem (the
leadership or organizational behavior issue that you have selected to
research). The problem statement should be phrased in terms of a researchable
question. For example, if a work group is not performing effectively, an
effective problem statement might be “How can group performance be
A well-formed problem statement has:
1. Focus:
the problem should be well defined and specific enough for the reader to gain
a clear idea of the OB topic area, and the direction of your study and
2. Structure:
if the problem statement is sufficiently focused, it will provide a basis for
decisions about which information to include and which to exclude from the

Literature Review


You must address at least
six scholarly resources in this section. How: approach this
section as a mini “book report” on each of the reference sources
that significantly informed your analysis and proposed solutions. Give the
reader an encapsulated review of what information you found most relevant to
your research. You may have found conflicting opinions/theories related
to your topic area. Identify and discuss any such contrasts and/or describe
in detail significant agreement among your sources. Your literature review
should be separate and distinct from your analysis section; it is a summation
of your research. The goal should be a paragraph containing a minimum of
three to five sentences per review.



Explore the problem in depth and with scholarly
Provide an identification and description of the root
causes of the problem/issue. Be sure not to address only symptoms of your
problem. Diagnose the problem and its origins.
A critical element of this section is to apply
leadership and organization concepts and models from our text, from class
discussions, and from your literature review. Discuss the concepts,
ideas, or insights that are most valuable in helping you make sense of the
causes of the problem. Support your analysis with reference to appropriate
research material.



Identify at least three potential workable
solutions to your problem, and identify the pros and cons of each alternative
solution and its high-level implementation steps.
Identify your preferred solution and describe exactly
what should be done and how it should be done, including by whom, with whom,
and in what sequence.Always explain your thinking behind your final
solution set. It’s important to be clear about why a particular
alternative (solution) was chosen, as opposed to others.



Think about this assignment and write a well-thought-out
reflective statement about how this assignment influenced your personal,
academic, and professional leadership and managerial development.



You must use no fewer than six library resources
outside of your textbook.
All references must be cited in two places: within
the body of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references
judiciously and cite them accurately. Cite all sources using APA format.
Please note that citing an author’s work within your
text documents your research, identifies the source for readers, and enables
readers to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference
list at the end of the paper. To use the ideas or words of another person
without crediting the source is plagiarism. Plagiarism in its purest form
involves copying passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim, with no direct
acknowledgment of the source. The most common form of plagiarism is to
paraphrase information from your source material. Paraphrasing does not
relieve you of the obligation to provide proper identification of source
data. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or
conclusions that not your own are given proper acknowledgment in your text.



Grading Rubrics


Failed to Meet Minimum Standards 0–95

Barely Meets Minimum Standards 60+% – D 96–111

Meets Minimum Standards 70+% – C 112–127

Good 80+% – B 128–143

Superior 90+% – A 144–160

Title Page and Table of Contents (5 Points)

Pages not provided. (0)

Title but no TOC. (2)

Title and attempted TOC. (3)

Title and TOC but Table w/o page numbers. (4)

Title of your applied research paper. Your name, course
number and title, instructor, and date, plus appropriate TOC. (5)

Introduction (10 Points)

Introduction is not apparent. (0)

Introduction is vague, incomplete, or lacks a
focus. (6)

Introduction reflects barely adequate information to
acquaint reader to the problem context. (7)

Contains a focus and provides sufficient detail to set the
stage for the analysis but may contain extraneous information. (8)

Introduction has a sharp, distinct focus; complete
information. (10)

Problem Statement (15 Points)

No problem statement apparent. (0)

Problem statement is vague; does not agree with title of
paper. (9)

Presented mostly as symptoms of the problem. (11)

Presented as a disguised solution. (13)

Focused and concise. (15)

Literature Review (40 Points)

None provided. (0)

Too shallow; insufficient depth; provides review of only
one source; does not cite sources properly; may include analysis of the
problem in this section. (27)

Provides a review of only two to three sources; does not
address topic areas germane to the problem; including analysis of the
problem; does not cite some sources properly. (31)

Provides a review of the minimum six research
articles; lacks reference to insights or findings from many of the readings
that are applicable to the problem. (35)

Discusses the concepts, ideas, or insights that have the
most value for helping make sense of problem; excellent use of citations;
follows proper citation protocol; exceeds all standards defined in the
syllabus guidelines for the project. (40)

Analysis (40 Points)

No analysis evident or presents a simplistic,
inappropriate, or incoherent analysis of or response to the problem. (0)

Illogically analyses the problem; may lack coherent
structure or elaboration with examples. Does not apply findings from
literature review. Clear lack of evidence to support analysis; makes broad
generalizations and unsupported assertions. (27)

Presents an adequate analysis of the problem, elaborating
the analysis with sufficient examples and acceptable reasoning. May not apply
findings from literature review appropriately. Lack of evidence to support
analysis; making broad generalizations and unsupported assertions. (31)

Presents a thoughtful analysis of problem, elaborating
that response with appropriate examples and sensible reasoning. (35)

Presents a cogent analysis of the stated problem,
elaborating that response with well-chosen examples and persuasive reasoning
supported by the literature. (40)

Solution (30 Points)

Solutions and recommendation not included. (0)

The choice of solution(s) is not linked to the analysis.

Presents only a single solution that may or may not be
fully supported by the analysis. (23)

Solution or recommendations linked to the analysis.
Partially supported and defended. (26)

Solution or recommendations logically flow from the
analysis. Well supported and defended. (30)

Reflection (10 Points)

No reflective statement offered. (0)

Perfunctory effort at drawing lessons from the assignment.

One key lesson; no other insights offered. (7)

Good faith effort in discussing the lessons from the
assignment; some insights are included. (8)

Well presented insights on how the assignment influenced
personal, academic, and professional development. (10)

References (10 Points)

Few or no references listed. (0)

Insufficient references listed; inconsistent format. (6)

A few appropriate references listed. (7)

Well chosen references used; minor errors. (8)

Well chosen references used; follows correct format for
listing; no errors. (10)

will be deducted for grammar, syntax, and/or punctuation errors. Failure to
cite sources properly or using incorrect protocol when citing sources and
listing references is cause for point reduction. Failure to cite sources will
result in submission for academic integrity review.




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