Devry MGMT303 Week 1,2,3 & 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 November


Devry MGMT303 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1
& DQ 2 Latest 2015 November

DQ 1
Based on what you have read in our text, how would you define a
manager? How would you define an organization? Please cite your sources. Give
an example of a manager and an organization
DQ 2
Explain how management can impact ethics within an organization.
Please cite your sources.

Devry MGMT303 Week 2 Discussion DQ 1
& DQ 2 Latest 2015 November
DQ 1

Managers, most business decisions are made under conditions of
either risk or uncertainty. What is the difference between risk and uncertainty
(please cite your sources)? In your opinion, is it easier to make a decision
under a condition of risk or a condition of uncertainty? Why? Give an example
from your experiences to support your answer.

DQ 2

Using your SWOT analysis selected organization, identify that
organization. What are the competitive advantages of the organization you
identified? Explain how you arrived at that decision.

Devry MGMT303 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1
& DQ 2 Latest 2015 November

DQ 1

Studying the cultural differences between countries can help a
company be more successful doing business internationally. What are the
cultural dimensions that vary by country? What is cultural intelligence?

DQ 2

Discuss the reasons why small businesses are so important to the
U.S. economy. Understanding that “Diversity is also desirable for innovation,
flexibility, and organizational success,” how does it then play a part in small
business success? Please cite your sources.

Devry MGMT303 Week 4 Discussion DQ 1
& DQ 2 Latest 2015 November
DQ 1
There are many elements to consider when designing an
organizational structure. Let’s start by each of picking one of the six key
elements and discussing why that element is important to the overall success of
the design. Please cite your sources.
DQ 2
Change is a constant factor in both in our personal and work
lives. There seems to be resistance to change whether the change will be good
or bad. Why do people resist change?




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