Devry GSCM206 Week 1 Case Study Latest 2015 November


Case StudyCase Study: Hard Rock Café’s Global Strategy (p. 53 and Pearson Video Library) Case Study QuestionsIdentify the strategy changes that have taken place at Hard Rock Café since its founding in 1971.As Hard Rock Café has changed its strategy, how has its responses to some of the 10 decisions of OM changed?Each Case Study paper is to consist of the following components.Title page and two written pages have less than 500 words.Answers to Individual Questions (as assigned): Each assignment will have specific questions you need to address. You should create a sub-headed section for each one.References or Appendix (if required): These are not research papers per se, so you may not have the need to cite outside sources. If you do, however, they should be identified on a proper reference page. Similarly, if you are required to do calculations and choose to perform them on a separate page or pages, you should include them in an Appendix.Weekly Case Paper Grading RubricCategoryPoints%Description Content 24 80%Required questions are answered in an accurate and appropriate manner.Adequate support is given for recommendations.Calculations (where required) are performed correctly Grammar and Spelling 3 10%Paper is well written and reflects college level writing.Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and spelling is correct.Sentences are written in a complete, concise manner, and sentence transitions maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper. Formatting and APA Usage 3 10%Paper includes the components required for the assignment: title page, answers to questions, references or appendix (where appropriate).APA format is followed throughout the paper.Total 30 100%Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read”>step-by-step instructions.See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.Supplemental ResourceTutorials The Tutorial tab contains the following:A step-by-step video with instructions on solving productivity Solved Problems 1.1 and 1.2, located at the end of Chapter 1How to access your Excel OM, POM, and Active ModelsA basic SWOT analysis to give you an indication of what this kind of activity would entailThe productivity demonstration to further your understanding of this week’s concepts




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