1a. Critically evaluate the impact of technology on behavioral neuroscience andbehavioral genetics.1b. Compare and contrast (discuss similarities and differences in) behavioralneuroscience and phrenology and ________ (you select one other past model thatattempted to explain the mind-body connection and compare and contrast it withbehavioral neuroscience)?2a. Explain the role of the brain and nervous system in mental health dysfunction.2b. Identify and describe two mental disorders that have been directly linked to thedysfunction of the brain’s neuroreceptors3a: Describe one seminal and one contemporary model of brain elasticity (howreadily the brain recovers from injury and compensates for non-recoverable functionloss) and its relationship to human daily function needs.3b: Vision involves the structure and function and dysfunction of the eye. Why do westudy vision in a biological psychology course? Include examples of how sight isrelated to psychological functioning.4a: It is often said in professional psychology circles that "perception is reality". Applywhat you have learned in PSYC525 about sensation and perception in explaining whatthat statement means.4b: Imagine a relative not informed about such matters asks you, "What in the worlddo movement have to do with psychology!?" How would you answer, keeping in mindthat your relative can’t be expected to know what you as a grad student studyingbiopsychology knows so you will need to include concrete examples of healthymental function and psychological dysfunction related to human kinesthetic.
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