Compare and contrast the absence of French interest in a permanent set

Compare and contrast the absence of French interest in a permanent settlement in the northern regions of North America (the modern United States and Canada) in the 1500s with strong French and Spanish interest in settlement in Florida.

How do you attribute the respective differences in the ambitions of France in northern North America and French and Spanish interests in establishing permanent settlements in Florida?


Answer: An ideal answer will:
1. Discuss how the primary purpose behind the expeditions of French explorers Giovanni da Verrazano and Jacques Cartier in the 1520s and 1530s in northern North America was to find a sea route to Asia to facilitate trade with this continent.
2. Discuss how the harsh winter conditions and many deaths suffered by Cartier and his crew during the winter on St. Lawrence River made establishing permanent settlements a problematic venture.
3. Discuss how the purposes of Gaspard de Coligny the building of the town of Fort Caroline in Florida were the create a safe haven for his fellow French Protestants and to establish a strategically located settlement for France near the sea lanes between Spain’s empire in Mexico and South America and Spain itself.
4. Discuss how the purposes of the founding of St. Augustine, Florida for Spain was to establish a city that would counter and ultimately destroy the religious, political, and commercial threat that the French colony of Fort Caroline represented and to oust the French Protestants from Florida.
5. Discuss how the permanent settlement of St. Augustine also served the purpose of establishing profitable trade relations with the Timuca Indians in northern Florida and facilitated converting these Indians to Catholicism.
6. Write a concise and effective conclusion.

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