BUS 308 Week 3 ANOVA and Paired T-test Assignment 2015


Score:Week 3ANOVA and Paired T-testAt this point we know the following about male and female salaries.a.Male and female overall average salaries are not equal in the population.b.Male and female overall average compas are equal in the population, but males are a bit more spread out.c.The male and female salary range are almost the same, as is their age and service.d.Average performance ratings per gender are equal.Let’s look at some other factors that might influence pay – education(degree) and performance ratings.1<1 point>Last week, we found that average performance ratings do not differ between males and females in the population.Now we need to see if they differ among the grades. Is the average performace rating the same for all grades?(Assume variances are equal across the grades for this ANOVA.)You can use these columns to place grade Perf Ratings if desired.ABCDENull Hypothesis:Alt. Hypothesis:Place B17 in Outcome range box.FInterpretation:What is the p-value:Is P-value < 0.05?Do we REJ is Not reject the null?If the null hypothesis was rejected, what or the effect size value(eta squared):Meaning of effect size measure:What does that decision mean in terms of our equal pay question:2<1 point>While it appears that average salaries per each grade differ, we need to test this assumption.Is the average salary the same for each of the grade levels? (Assume equal variance, and use the analysis toolpak function ANOVA.)Use the input table to the right to list salaries under each grade level.Null Hypothesis:Alt. Hypothesis:If desired, place salaries per grade in these columnsABCDEFPlace B55 in Outcome range box.What is the p-value:Is P-value < 0.05?Do you reject or not reject the effect size valueIf the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the null hypothesis:(eta squared):Meaning of effect size measure:Interpretation:<1 point>3The table and analysis below demonstrate a 2-way ANOVA with replication. Please interpret the results.MaleFemaleBA1.0170.8701.0521.1751.0431.0741.0200.9030.9821.0861.0751.0521.0961.0251.0000.9561.0001.0431.0431.2101.1871.0431.0431.145MA1.1570.9791.1341.1491.0431.1341.0001.1220.9031.0521.1401.0871.0501.1611.0961.0001.0411.0431.1191.0431.0000.9561.1291.149Ho: Average compas by gender are equalHa: Average compas by gender are not equalHo: Average compas are equal for each degreeHa: Average compas are not equal for each degreeHo: Interaction is not significantHa: Interaction is significantPerform analysis:Anova: Two-Factor With ReplicationSUMMARYBAMATotalMaleCountSumAverageVariance12122412.34912.925.2491.029083331.075 1.05204170.006686447 0.0065198 0.006866FemaleCountSumAverageVariance12122412.79112.78725.5781.06591667 1.0655833 1.065750.006102447 0.0042128 0.0049334TotalCountSumAverageVariance242425.1425.6871.0475 1.07029170.00647035 0.0051561ANOVASource of VariationSSdfMSFP-valueF critSampleColumnsInteractionWithin0.002255020.006233520.006417190.258736751 0.002255 0.3834821 0.538939 4.0617065 (This is the row variable or gender.)1 0.0062335 1.060054 0.3088296 4.0617065 (This is the column variable or Degree.)1 0.0064172 1.0912878 0.3018915 4.061706544 0.0058804Total0.2736424847Interpretation:For Ho: Average compas by gender are equal Ha: Average compas by gender are not equalWhat is the p-value:Is P-value < 0.05?Do you reject or not reject the null hypothesis:If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the effect size value(eta squared):Meaning of effect size measure:For Ho: Average compas are equal for all degrees Ha: Average compas are not equal for all gradesWhat is the p-value:Is P-value < 0.05?Do you reject or not reject the null hypothesis:If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the effect size value(eta squared):Meaning of effect size measure:For: Ho: Interaction is not significantHa: Interaction is significantWhat is the p-value:Is P-value < 0.05?Do you reject or not reject the null hypothesis:If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the effect size value(eta squared):Meaning of effect size measure:What do these decisions mean in terms of our equal pay question:<1 point>4Many companies consider the grade midpoint to be the "market rate" – what is needed to hire a new employee.Does the company, on average, pay its existing employees at or above the market rate?Null Hypothesis:Alt. Hypothesis:Statistical test to use:Place the cursor in B160 for test.What is the p-value:Is a 1-tail < orderWhat else needs to be checked on P-value in 0.05?to reject the null?Do we REJ or Not reject the null?If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is theeffect size value: NAMeaning of effect size measure: NAInterpretation:<2 points>5.Using the results up thru this week, what are your conclusions about gender equal pay for equal work at this point?Place data values in these columnsSalaryMidpoint




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