Assume that you are the chief financial officer for a mutual fund that owns


Assume that you are the chief financial officer for a mutual fund that owns a significantnumber of shares of New England Wire and Cable. Your task is to consider thearguments made by each side (Mr. Jorgenson Jorgenson and Mr. Garfield Garfield) as well as theadditional information provided in the two supporting documents you have received.After careful consideration, prepare a concise report to give to your CEO. In thereport, evaluate the legitimacy of both arguments, considering both your Mutual Fundsresponsibility to maximize shareholder wealth and the impact that accepting the tenderoffer and closing the cable division has on the workers and the community. Once you have evaluated both positions, complete the report by making a clear, well-reasoned recommendation to either reject the tender offer, keeping the cable divisionoperating, or to accept the tender offer, closing down the division. Make sure to clearlysupport and justify your recommendation using the information provided.View this as a formal business report. It will be graded both on the quality of thewriting, and the quality of your (well-supported) recommendation. You are limited to500 typed words.




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