Analyze how the United States conducted the war in Europe and in the P

Analyze how the United States conducted the war in Europe and in the Pacific. What different conditions existed on each front and how did these affect strategies?

What were the positive and negative sides to these strategies?


An ideal response will:
1. Explain that the war in Europe was for the most part fought in the air and on the ground, while a large part of the Pacific campaign was naval engagements.
2. Describe how the U.S. “island hopping” strategy in the Pacific was different from the progress of the land war in Europe.
3. Analyze why the Allies first attacked German forces in North Africa before beginning the invasion of the European continent. Why did the Allies begin to retake “Fortress Europe” by invading Sicily rather than invading occupied France?
4. From the beginning of the war, Joseph Stalin urged the Allies strongly to immediately attack Germany. Explain why this strategy was favored by the Russians. Although they bombed Germany heavily throughout the war, why did the Allies delay a direct attack on Germany for so long?
5. Describe the individual circumstances under which Germany and Japan surrendered. How were they similar and how were they different?

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