an investor is in the 33% tax bracket and pays long ter m capital gain


an investor is in the 33% tax bracket and pays long ter m capital gains taxes of 15%.what are the taces owed ( or saved in the case of losses) in the current tax year for each of followin situations?net short term capital gains of $3000, net long term capital gains of $4000net short term capital gai
net short term capital gains of $3000, net long term capital gains of $4000 3000 x 0.33 = 990, 4000 x 0.15 = 600 990 600 = ______ net short term capital gains of $3000, net long term capital losses of $4000 3000 x 0.33 = 990, 4000 x -0.15 = -600 990 600 = _____ net short term capital losses of $3000, net long term capital gains of $4000 3000 x -0.33 = -990, 4000 x 0.15 = 600 -990 600 = _______ net short term capital gains of $3000, net long term capital losses of $2000 3000 x 0.33 = 990, 2000 x -0.15 = -300 990 300 = _______ net short term capital losses of $4000, net long

term capital gains of $3000 4000 x -0.33 = -1320, 3000 x 0.15 = 450 -1320 450 = ______ net short term capital losses of $1000 , net long term capital losses of $1500 1000 x -0.33 = -330, 1500 x -0.15 = -225 -330 -225 = _______ net short term capital losses of $3000, net long term capital losses of $2000 3000 x -0.33 = -990, 2000 x -0.15 = -300 -990 -300 = __________ I hope this helps!




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