All of the following was TRUE of New Orleans in the early 1800s EXCEPT

All of the following was TRUE of New Orleans in the early 1800s EXCEPT

A) it was a predominately a Catholic city.
B) slaves and free blacks freely gathered weekly under the watchful eyes of whites to dance, play drums, and sing in their own languages.
C) the commerce of flatboats carrying grain crewed by slaves and backwoods farmers was critical to the economic vibrancy of the city.
D) free black women did not have any economic opportunities xAll of the following was TRUE of New Orleans in the early 1800s EXCEPT
A) it was a predominately a Catholic city.
B) slaves and free blacks freely gathered weekly under the watchful eyes of whites to dance, play drums, and sing in their own languages.
C) the commerce of flatboats carrying grain crewed by slaves and backwoods farmers was critical to the economic vibrancy of the city.
D) free black women did not have any economic opportunities
to become small businesswomen.


Answer: D

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