A company runs a three-day workshop on strategies for working effectively in teams


A company runs a three-day workshop on strategies for working effectively in teams. On each day a different strategy is presented. Forty-eight employees of the company attend the workshop. At the outset, all 48 are divided into 12 teams of four. The teams remain the same for the entire workshop. Strategies are presented in the morning. In the afternoon, the teams are presented with a series of small tasks, and the number completed successfully using the strategy taught that morning is recorded for each team. The mean number of tasks completed successfully by all teams each day and the standard deviation are computed. The results are given below:Day (strategy)MeansStdDevs115.257.10215.6414.14315.2514.03The researchers did an ANOVA F test of the data and obtained the following results:SourceSums of squaresMean squareF-ratioDay 1.36 0.680.0045Error5321.71152.05Total5323.08




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