BA 225 Week 1 Discussion Questions

This file of BA 225 Week 1 Discussion Questions covers:

To receive full credit, please respond to one of the following questions. You must also respond to the posts of 2 other students.Question ATell us about yourself so you can meet and greet other fellow Grantham University students within your course. Include what you believe to be your current knowledge level of this course topic and what you hope to learn before the course is over.Question BCompare and Contrast Managerial Accounting and Financial Accounting. Be sure to discuss how managerial accounting is useful for providing information for at least one of the following management functions: planning, directing, controlling.Question CTo act ethically in accounting/business is only necessary to follow the law. Do you Agree or disagree? Give at least three specific reasons for your answer and provide at least one counter argument and rebut it.

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