A nurse states that he or she does not want to become involved in poli

A nurse states that he or she does not want to become involved in politics because of family, school, work, and other commitments. Which of the following would be the best reply to this statement?

a. “Good for you. We should all stay out of such dirty game playing!”
b. “I am sorry to hear that but I do understand.”
c. “It doesn’t matter; politics have nothing to do with nursing practice.”
d. “It won’t take much time to join ANA and pay dues so their lobbyist can represent you.”



Some of the nursing organizations have full-time lobbyists who work in Congress, including the American Nurses Association (ANA). These lobbyists help represent the interests of nurses and society. Politics play a major role in nursing practice and nurses should be encouraged to participate in organizations, even if it is through paying dues, so that their voice can be represented.



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