Kaplan SC200 unit 9 assignment


Complete the Final ProjectScience Meets Real LifeWhether you think of yourself as an up and coming scientist or not, you use science every day. You will explore how you apply different aspects of science in your daily life in a two part project. In 1,000-words (minimum), discuss the following:The Scientific MethodEach and every day, you are faced with having to make split-second decisions, and the need to solve random problems that you encounter. To reach those decisions and work those problems out, you are subconsciously using the scientific method. Apply the steps of the Scientific Method to two situations that could occur in your everyday life. Use the scientific method in the first scenario provided by your instructor to solve the problem at hand.Please come up with a second detailed scenario on your own, using the categories provided by your instructor, and follow the same steps in the scientific method to find a resolution.For both scenarios, be sure to use terminology from the scientific method (hypothesis, experiment, etc.) while describing how you would address each problem, as well as a minimum of 3 references to provide factual support.Scenario 1: Read the course announcements to find out the assigned scenario for your project.Scenario 2: Develop your own detailed problem and apply the scientific method to solve it. Your problem should fall within one of the assigned categories provided by your instructor within the course announcements.Your Final Project should be a minimum of 1,000-words written in APA style format. As always, be sure to provide appropriate citations, references, and links to any information you use in this paper. Be sure to also avoid copying and pasting large sections of text from any given source. For help with citations, refer to the APA Quick Reference.Your Final Project is due at the end of Unit 9.To complete this Assignment, review the Assignment template and rubric.Turnitin AnalysisA special feature is available to help you with reviewing your Unit 9 Final Project for plagiarism. When you submit your Final Project to the Unit 9 Dropbox, your Assignment will automatically be analyzed by the plagiarism detection tool, Turnitin. Soon after you submit your Assignment, you will be able to view the Turnitin Originality Report. Originality Reports provide a summary of matching or highly similar text found in a submitted paper. When an Originality Report is available for viewing, an icon will appear in the report column of the Assignment Inbox. Originality Reports are only available in the InBox. For this reason, you will need to download the report prior to the grading of the Unit 9 Final Project. To do this, click on the print icon at the bottom of the Originality Report. This will prepare a readable, PDF version of the Originality Report that you can save to your computer.Submitting Your AssignmentSave your copy of the Assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. Be sure to use the “Save As” option to include your first and last name in the title of the document. For example, your Assignment might be called Shawn_Edwards_Project2.docWhen you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 9: Final Project.In the “Comments” field, include at least the title of your paper.Click the Add Attachments button.Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Click the Dropbox to access it.Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted Assignment.




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