devry mis505 week 1 to week 4 discussions latest 2015 [ 8 discussions ]


week 1Week 1

Structured Versus Object-Oriented Design (graded)

Structured and object-oriented designs are the
two main contenders for programming methodologies relevant to the creation of
documentation for application programs. The choice of methodologies will
greatly affect how we approach the challenge and what programming languages we
will have at our disposal. Based on this week’s text chapter and some relevant
web resources, as the discussion progresses, let us discuss the differences
between structured and object-oriented designs and their merits and faults. Explain,
in brief, what you learned from such readings.Week 1 Diss 2

Flowcharts Versus Pseudocode
The two main forms of
documentation of program design are flowcharts and pseudcode. Based on this
week’s text chapter and some relevant web resources, discuss the differences
between flowcharts and pseudocode, as well as their merits and faults. Week 2Advantages of Modularization
(graded)Structured programming modules
are used to segment tasks within the program. Based on this week’s text chapter
and some relevant web resources, discuss the advantages of modularization.
Explain what you learned from your readings. Week 2 diss 2Features of Good Program Design
Successful program development
begins with good program design. Based on this week’s text chapter and some
relevant web resources, discuss the features of good program design. Explain
what you learned from your readings. week 3Structured Programming –
Important People (graded)TCO D covers the use of
structured programming solutions. Look in the “UP for Discussion” section in
Chapter 3 of the textbook on page 132, Exercise 15. Research the people listed
there, and discuss why they are important to structured programming. What did
each person contribute? How do the contributions fit with our study of
structured programming this week? Week 3 diss Virtual Lab (graded)After reading the assigned
chapter for this week, discuss what you learned from the readings. You may also
ask questions if anything is not clear, and continue these discussions throughout
the week.As a progressive discussion in
this thread topic, solve the exercises from the textbook, and briefly explain
the topic concepts. You are expected to solve the listed exercises in the given
order so as to avoid repeated solutions. The first person will post the
solution to the first exercise. The next person will comment on that post, and
then post the solution to the next question, and so on. If anyone disagrees
with another’s solution, they must post why and their own solution. While posting
here, I suggest you solve the problems sequentially, start the first line of
your post with a question tag, such as: Chapter # Qu #, for example, Ch.3
Exercise # 1. This will easily help us to keep track of where we are.Also, you may discuss difficulties
that arise while completing the week’s homework assignments under a thread that
will be created for such discussion. You are expected to help and guide each
other, but not to post the homework solutions here.Note: This is a discussion, and not
just a forum for posting the answers to the questions. You should post
responses with analysis, ideas, and summaries to be shared by all. Although you
may solve the exercises completely at home, you are expected to post the
responses to part of the question per the directions above and also allow
others to participate in the problem solving and discussion process. Please
avoid repeated answers once confirmed.Help each other and learn
together.Week 4Off the Shelf (graded)Our TCO C this week covers the challenge of building information system (IS) applications vs. using off-the-shelf alternatives, sometimes called COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf). What is that anyway? How are systems provided for your organization? So, let us know what your organization is doing in this area. Building everything? Buying everything? Or a mixture of both? And, how effective is the process?Week 4 diss 2Virtual Lab (graded)After reading the assigned chapter for this week, discuss
what you learned from the readings. You may also ask questions if anything is
not clear, and continue these discussions throughout the week.As a progressive discussion in this thread topic, solve the
exercises from the textbook, and briefly explain the topic concepts. You are
expected to solve the listed exercises in the given order so as to avoid
repeated solutions. The first person will post the solution to the first
exercise. The next person will comment on that post, and then post the solution
to the next question, and so on. If anyone disagrees with another’s solution,
they must post why and their own solution. While posting here, I suggest you
solve the problems sequentially, start the first line of your post with a
question tag, such as: Chapter # Qu #, for example, Ch.4 Exercise # 1. This
will easily help us to keep track of where we are.Also, you may discuss difficulties that arise while
completing the week’s homework assignments under a thread that will be created
for such discussion. You are expected to help and guide each other, but not to
post the homework solutions here.Note: This is a discussion, and not just a forum for posting
the answers to the questions. You should post responses with analysis, ideas,
and summaries to be shared by all. Although you may solve the exercises
completely at home, you are expected to post the responses to part of the
question per the directions above and also allow others to participate in the
problem solving and discussion process. Please avoid repeated answers once
confirmed.Help each other and learn together.




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