devry mgmt591 all week discussions latest october 2015 [ all 7 discussions ]


Week 1

Rules for High Performance Organizations (graded)
This week our text discusses the definition of
organizational behavior, and in particular its applied focus, and our lecture
focuses on high performance organizations (HPOs). Right at the intersection of
those would be the “Ten Golden Rules of High Performance” listed below. What do
you think should be added to the list? Is there anything on the list that you
disagree with? Please support your opinion with evidence from our readings, and
also from your own work and life experience. Please also remember to respond to
your classmates’ posts to stimulate further discussion.

Ten Golden Rules of High Performance

Hire by committee—make sure recruits talk to their future
Cater to every need—make it easy, not hard, for people to
Pack them in—put people to work close to one another.
Make coordination easy—use technology to keep people talking
Eat your own dog food—make use of the company products.
Encourage creativity—allow freedom to come up with new
Strive for consensus—remember that “many are better than
Don’t be evil—live tolerance and respect.
Data-driven decisions—do the analysis and stay on track.
Communicate effectively—hold many stay-in-touch meetings.Week 2Satisfied Workers (graded)Our graded discussion question this week comes primarily
from Chapter 3 in the textbook. Assume you are new to your job, and on the
first day you have a conversation with your boss, who says, “Satisfied workers
are productive workers.” Do you agree with her statement? Why? Why not? Please
support your opinion with evidence from our readings. Please also remember to
respond to your classmates’ posts to stimulate further discussion.Week 3Application of Motivation (graded)Dr. Peter Drucker has stated: “You cannot motivate
employees, employees must motivate themselves.” What does Dr. Drucker
mean by this statement in regard to motivational theory?
What are some methods
you could use to promote self-motivation in the workplace?Week 4What Constitutes a Team? (graded)Focusing on the material related to team building, compare
and contrast this MGMT591 session with a team that you are familiar with. In
what aspects does the class resemble a team? Are there parallels between the
stages of team development and the progression of our class? What type of team
formation is going on in this classroom? Does the notion of social loafing
apply to our class in any respect?
Please be specific in your examples, and support your
opinion with evidence from the text.Week 5Power and Influence (graded)From the Cairo Review of Foreign Affairs (read the Cairo
Review), we read about Nelson Mandela’s use of power for the greater good.
Using the text’s discussion of power and influence as a backdrop, analyze
Mandela’s power from multiple perspectives, and assess how his use of power
changed the perspective of a nation.

Week 6

Organizational Culture Inventory (graded)Using the OCI instrument online, and the cultural change
background information on Conglomerate, Inc. provided in Doc Sharing, we will
be identifying and prioritizing cultural attributes, and also identifying areas
for change. (Note: The Cultural Change Situation can be downloaded from Doc
Sharing.) Review Profiles 1a (workforce results) and 1b (senior leadership
team’s ideal state) closely. Identify and describe the cultural aspects that
management cites as important, and contrast them with the cultural attributes
that employees report as being expected. How do employees believe they are
expected to act to “fit in”? What are the most significant gaps between
management and staff? What observations can you make on the differences between
Conglomerate Inc.’s preferred culture and “ideal” culture presented by HSI?
Once we’ve identified and discussed the gaps, I’ll cue everyone to move onto
the review of the suggested change initiatives, and onto observations around
your own OCI results.week 7Resistance to Change (graded)When Jorge Maldonado became general manager of the local civic recreation center, he realized that many changes would be necessary to make the facility a true community resource. Having the benefit of a new bond issue, the center had the funds for new equipment and expanded programming. All he needed to do now was get the staff committed to the new initiatives. Unfortunately, his efforts have been met with considerable resistance to change. A typical staff comment is, “Why do we need all these extras? Everything is fine as it is.” How can Jorge deal with the employees’ resistance to change, to enable him to move the change process along?




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