Chapter 6: Be able to define the following, substance dualism, physicalism


Chapter 6: Be able to define the following, substance dualism, physicalism, logicalbehaviorism, identity theory, functionalism, semantics, and syntax. Be able to give thetwo objections to substance dualism. Be able to give the two objections to logicalbehaviorism. Be able to give the main objection to the identity theory. Be able to givethe two objections to functionalism. Know the main objection to physicalism.Foster: Be able to recognize the definitions of interactionism and epiphenomenalism.Be able to recognize the names of the three objections to dualism discussed by Foster.Armstrong: Be able to give Armstrong’s definition of “mental state.” Be able to giveArmstrong’s response to the objection that his account of mental state fails to explainconsciousness.Lewis: Know the type of pain that the identity theory can explain and the type of painthat functionalism can explain. Be able to recognize the definition of a non-rigid concept.




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